Frey Ortega

Frey Ortega writes erotic romance, primarily of the gay variety. He lives in what a friend affectionately calls "the south-easternmost part of Spain," which is an archipelago called the Philippines. He's a graduate of the Royal, Pontifical, and Catholic University in Manila, with a Bachelors of Science degree in Psychology and a license to practice as a Psychometrician. Writing is his day job, but you can often find him being an overall homebody who spends way too much time on the internet.

He loves writing about people, especially people of all different shapes, sizes and backgrounds, falling in love. You might also find him playing video games from time to time! His favorite ones are MMORPGs, and role-playing games in general (and not just the ones in the bedroom.)

You can visit his website at but you might have more luck figuring out about his newest projects by following him on Twitter (@freyortega) or Facebook ( ).








