Acing It by Penelope Rivers

Heat Level 3
SKU 978-0-3695-0983-3

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Cum Buckets, 3

Ace is the lone straight guy in an otherwise all gay band, Cum Buckets. Ever since he joined them, he’s mourned for his lost girlfriend, Chloe. She’d given him his guitar, but when someone steals it, he finds himself unable to play.

Then there’s fellow band member Tilt, who is weighing on his mind–and his heart. As Ace learns to love again, he searches for his lost guitar and finds that what he’s searching for may be a bit closer to home.

Be Warned: m/m sex



“Lucky guy.” Tilt peered over his shoulder, just as Buddha began to snore. “You’re the one with someone in your bed.”

“I’d rather have a bed full of fire ants,” he muttered, contemplating taking some aspirin to help with his head. “Looks like I’m sleeping on the couch.” Suddenly, alcohol sounded a hell of a lot better than a pill. “You want a drink?”

“Dude, before you do that, do you want to run to the ER?” Tilt asked. “You did get knocked on the head pretty hard.”

“And leave this guy alone?” Though he wasn’t sure Buddha was a thief, he thought he might do something weird, like try on all his underpants. “No thanks.”

He made it over to his small wooden bar decorated with decorative tiles. Taking a deep breath, he poured himself a glass of his favorite scotch, then offered a glass to Tilt. His thoughts still on the guitar, he headed over to the couch and sunk down on the well-used navy cushions. His thoughts returned to when Chloe had given him the guitar, the one that had been with him so many years. Though Tilt wasn’t always the best at sensing emotions, he couldn’t ignore this. After a gulp of the scotch, Tilt sat by him, their knees brushing.

“Dude, are you feeling sick?” Tilt asked.

 Ace shook his head.

“Then I can help you get that weird dude out of your bed, if that’s what’s up.” Damn, he hadn’t realized how little he’d told his friends about his life, about his escape from Georgia and his pastor father who thought his kind of music was from the Devil. Tilt didn’t know about the guitar, didn’t know about anything. Am I willing to share it with him? he wondered.

He was unsure. But if not now, maybe he’d never have the courage to try.

“The asshole stole my guitar.” His Goddamn precious guitar. If he wasn’t a part of a popular band, he doubted it was even sellable.

For a moment Tilt sat back on the couch, assessing him. His dark hair fell in tendrils across his pale face, and his thick, pale eyelashes fluttered as their eyes met. Freckles dotted Tilt’s nose, which the other man hated. Finally, Tilt spoke. “It’s a pretty old guitar, isn’t it? Maybe it’s time to buy a new one.”

“It was a gift from someone important.” Fighting down the burning anger at himself at the thought of the car accident, he swallowed another drink. “I will never get a chance to see her again. The guitar is special.”

Some would have laughed at him for still hanging onto the guitar, but Tilt’s eyes filled with understanding. Now with any luck he wouldn’t run around telling every Tom, Dick, and Jerry. He licked his lips, tasting the alcohol on his skin, but he set his glass on the table, finished. Tilt leaned forward, fingers brushing across his wrist before he touched his hand. The two of them were best friends, but they didn’t hang all over each other like some might. Still the warm brush of hands was welcomed.

“Then we’ll find it,” Tilt said, hand returning to his lap. “Even if I have to rub Buddha’s belly.”

“Let’s not go that far,” he said, wincing.


Product Reviews

Score: 4 out of 5 (based on 13 ratings)
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Acing It
Written by Bee Sue on 26th Apr 2024

This book was entertaining to read and its well written, and i can't wait to read more from this author. i recommend this book.

Great Series
Written by dubdub on 26th Apr 2024

This is a great series about the band Cum Buckets! In this book we have a straight to gay story with Ace who is mourning the loss of his fiance Chloe who gave him the guitar he plays with. A very emotive storyline as we follow his journey with him still dealing with the grief which has kept him slighlty apart from the band. When his guitar is stolen this causes some deep feelings as he trys to find it and also has to deal with his unexpected feelings for Tilt his best mate in the band. A lovely journey about recovering from loss and starting again and how great friendships make all the difference.

Fast Paced Bi-Awakening
Written by Luv2Read17 on 26th Apr 2024

Ace/Daniel is the lone straight guy (or is he?) in the band Cum Buckets. Throughout the book, he is facing some inner demons- his feelings towards his departed fiancé, his sexuality, and his need for the guitar said former fiancé gifted him. The side character Buddha was interesting and a way to lighten up the mood. This was a quick and interesting read.

Rediscovering yourself
Written by Anne H on 26th Apr 2024

Rediscovering yourself Ace is a member of the band called cum buckets, and something happened in his past and he’s never really recovered from that. His girlfriend Chloe had died in a car crash and all that Ace had left of her was a guitar, that she gave him. One day he gets assorted and his guitar is stolen. And then you meet Buddha and I’m gonna let you find out yourself. The band try and help relocate Ace’s guitar as they have a big concert coming. Tilt is a member of the band who is gay, something strange happened and Ace who had always considered himself to be straight, was now having feelings and attraction towards Tilt. So does Ace find his guitar?? Do these two finally admit to their attraction and their feelings?? I would rate this a 3.5 but I’ve upped that to a four star on this review, I felt like in places, it was very rushed. It was very emotional, reading Ace mourn his girlfriend and slowly recover. But these two have a real attraction. It’s a slow burn rushed in places

Written by C. B. on 26th Apr 2024

This is an excellent story about working through grief, forgiveness and second chances. Ace is the only straight guy in the band Cum Buckets. They are close, but Ace hasn’t shared his personal history, even with his best friend and fellow band member, Tilt. His fiancé, Chloe gave him the guitar he plays with. He clings to it as one of his last momentos. When it is stolen. He embarks on a journey to recover the guitar, changing relationships and finally letting go. Great story, fantastic symbolism. The author does an amazing job taking us through Ace’s grieving process. Great characters and friendships. Well done!

Written by Luvreading on 26th Apr 2024

In the search for his missing guitar, Ace learns that it is not the only thing that has been alluding him. The quest to find this precious item, a gift from his late girlfriend Chloe, Ace starts to come to terms with the fact that he has feelings for another man which he was not something he was expecting being the only straight man in a band with mostly gay men. The quest started out being about the guitar but it gets to be so much bigger than that as he learns some things that help him move forward beyond his grief.

Written by Another world awaits on 26th Apr 2024

Fabulous, this series is just amazingly well written and so funny. The characters just go straight to your heart and their HEA are great. Amazing series

Loved it again
Written by Hotrelle on 26th Apr 2024

Ace is the only straight guy in a band of gay men. Until he loses his guitar and comes to a realisation. A fun to read series with some ripper quotes and thoughts along the way, just like the pigeons in book 2.

The Great Guitar Hunt
Written by Ddee2 on 26th Apr 2024

When Ace has his guitar stolen, he is saved from an accident by Buddha, a man claiming it is lucky to rub his belly. Not able to find out who the man is or where he lives, Ace takes him home until he can learn more. As Ace and Tilt track down the guitar, they are accompanied by Buddha, who isn’t always as lucky as he claims. Also in the course of the guitar hunt, Ace comes to grips with his past as he learns something new about himself with the potential to change his life forever. Humorous book in parts with Buddha and his belly and a comedy of errors tracking down the elusive guitar, along with more serious vibes as Ace faces his past and a new realization about one of his band mates that will impact his future. Fairly fast-paced action with engaging characters to pull you through this short read.

Humor, Grief and Discovering Yourself
Written by Suek on 26th Apr 2024

What a wonderful book! My first time with this author and I've already bought the series. Ace is portrayed in such a realistic manner and is a powerful character. I immediately felt his sadness at the loss of Chole, his old girlfriend. The symbolism of the guitar she gave him, and the loss of that connection was powerful. We also begin to see the importance of Tilt, a fellow band member, whose reassuring presence is profound. Joining the two on their quest is the wonderful Budda who saved Ace's life. It's worth reading the book just for this character alone. The author has done an incredible job with her story line. We feel the pain behind Chloe's death as well as how the adventure for the lost guitar brings about change. Change that has Ace questioning his continues guilt as well as questions about his feelings for Tilt. This book is a wonderful representation of moving on from a loved one. One does not need to let the memories and importance of this person go. Rather, that stay in your heart as you move on with your life. This book moved me and will be with me for a long time. I can't encourage you enough to give it try.

Ace & Tilt
Written by DLB2572 on 26th Apr 2024

This was a story very much in line with the previous books in this series and it was entertaining to read.

Loved this
Written by MandieM on 26th Apr 2024

So Ace gets his guitar stolen then immediately gets saved but a homeless man named Buddha. Throughout this novella, Ace, Buddha, and his band mates desperately search for the missing guitar but every time he comes close something wild happens. All the while Ace has to fight sudden feelings for his best friend and band mate, Tilt. Buddha is a riot! And quite possibly my favorite character. Aced was sweet, and sad, and hopefully. I definitely needed to read this tonight ❤️

Good series
Written by Dee176 on 26th Apr 2024

This was another good addition to the series and in this story the final two band members Ace and Tilt get their own Hea.