Bella's Dom by Lila Fox

Heat Level 3
SKU 978-0-3695-1006-8

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The Doms of Madison County, 4

Bella’s life had been one hardship after another. She was twenty-three years old and was still taking care of her abusive, lazy, nineteen-year-old brother. When his anger and violence seemed to get worse than any other time, she knew it was time to leave.

Caden hadn’t been looking for a submissive woman, but one just kind of fell into his lap when he saved her from dying.

Life seemed to be going well, and they were happy, but neither of them knew that it was about to end and he might really lose her this time.

Be Warned: DDLG, anal sex, bondage, public exhibition


Caden inhaled to steady himself. He’d never seen anything more beautiful than her. Oh, he knew he kept thinking that, but the more he got to know her, the deeper his feelings got.

He started kissing her. As the minutes passed, they got deeper. He used his tongue to caress hers and everywhere he could reach, and she was already withering in need. She had already been needy when they got back to the condo that night because he hadn’t quite satisfied her enough, and he meant to do that, so she was revved up.

His hands and lips started stroking her body. He could feel her already start to tighten up. His teeth bit into her neck, making her cry out, and her nails dug into his shoulders. He was letting her get away with letting her touch him as much as possible. Later, he would show her what it was like to be tied down while he pleasured her.

He slid down and started loving her tits. He stroked his tongue over the hard little pebble before sucking it into his mouth, making her arch and cry out.

Bella tried to pull him up. “Please, Master. I need you so much.”

“Baby, you’ll get me when I think you’re ready.”

She whimpered, making him smile.

Caden moved down her body, caressing and tasting every part he could reach. She didn’t seem to know he was spreading her legs and making room for his shoulders. A shrieking scream flew from her when he separated her pussy lips and pressed his tongue against her clit.

He lapped up the cum that slid from her cunt while forcing his tongue into her. He had to press his hand down on her stomach to keep her from wiggling.

A few more minutes passed, and by that time, he knew she was ready. He moved up, slid the condom he had ready on, pressed the head of his cock against her cunt, and worked an inch in.

This is where he had to do something he knew would hurt her, but there was no other way. Before she came down from the high he’d built in her, he pressed his lips against hers.

In one smooth move, he was through her hymen and buried as deep as he could go. She cried out but didn’t fight him or tense up too much. He waited, cradling her head in one hand and whispering words of encouragement. He waited until she calmed before thrusting in and out of her. The feeling was exquisite and nothing like he’d felt before. Several minutes passed before he slowly started to go faster. She immediately started to tighten around him, making it harder for him to move, but he forced his way in and out because he knew that would give her pleasure. Her body tensed and then bowed off the mattress as a scream tore from her throat.

He continued to keep her orgasm going and gave her the most pleasure he could. When she had settled, he started to move faster, harder, and deeper. It only took a minute before he was coming. He heard himself groan, something he’d never done before. When he was spent, he balanced himself on his elbows as he worked to get his breathing under control.

When he had some strength, he pulled out of her. He stood by the edge of the bed and looked down at her. He smiled when she grumbled something and turned to her side.

He pulled the condom off and caught sight of the blood. Jesus, he’d never been a possessive man before, but she gave him her virginity—something a woman can only do once—and that made her his, and he wasn’t letting her go.

He cleaned up before getting a washrag. He pulled her to her back and spread her legs. She was deeply sleeping and didn’t move a bit. After cleaning her up, he turned off the light, lay down, and pulled her against his chest.

A sigh escaped, and his body relaxed.

“God, Baby,” he said with his lips pressed against the back of her head. “I hope you know that you’re mine now, and I have to warn you, I’ll never let you go,” he whispered.

If she didn’t realize it, he’d make sure she learned about it. It would make everything easier for her.


Product Reviews

Score: 5 out of 5 (based on 23 ratings)
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Bella's needs
Written by Rose S, on 28th Jun 2024

Well written, fast paced good read. Has some triggers so please read the authors warnings. Full of drama, emotions, fears, trust, danger, abuse, BDSM, violence, love with some steamy hot scenes. Caden is a part owner of a kink club. Bella is a young woman trying to take care of her brother, who abuses her. She goes to the sheriff, who in turns sends her to the club for a job. Knows that she needs to find a safer place of employment away from her brother. It's there that she meets Caden, who is a Dom, he realizes she would make a great sub. Caden takes her on and shows her this side of his life. The return of her brother adds to the action. Has great characters and a fantastic storyline. Would have liked a bit more to this story or maybe an extended epilogue to read and enjoy. Would strongly recommend .

Bella's Dom!
Written by Mary on 28th Jun 2024

This is a good read and addition to the "Doms of Madison County" series. It is a short and quick read that stands alone. It does have connected characters and a connected club. This is the story about Bella and Caden. He is part owner in a club that offers a place where people can explore their kinks in a safe setting. They specialize in Dom/sub and protecting the ladies. Caden and one of his partner, Macy, are eating in a dive when he notices the waitress. She has a story and he is intrigued and wants to learn more. Bella had been raising her brother for sometime. He has become lazy and abusive. After one such night she decides to run. She goes to meet with the law and finds a hero of sorts that points her towards safety and work. She is waiting in the parking lot of the club when Caleb notices her. I enjoyed their story passionate story. They are so good for each other. I loved his protectiveness! She deserves to receive some kindness, and a fierce protector, in her life after all she has been through.

Written by Steacyn on 28th Jun 2024

Wow wow oh wow. What a hot book. I started this at 10pm. And couldn't stop until finished. It was one of those books that just had to keep reading. It's spicy and not o er the top at the same time.

Good addition
Written by RaeWoodland on 28th Jun 2024

This is a good addition to the series. It still has drama and a villain so the Dom still gets to be the hero but I also like that she saves herself at the beginning and gets herself out of the bad situation. It includes characters from the previous stories so reading those helps but isn’t 100% necessary

Engaging with drama, chemistry and steam
Written by LBing on 28th Jun 2024

This is another engaging read for the series. We meet Bella and get a glimpse of her horrible home life. Being used by her brother, she works many jobs, and he still abuses her. She hits her max and flees to the parking lot of her new place of employment. Caden finds her sleeping in her car but a winter storm is coming and she's not safe there... I love that he was so caring of her - and that being cared for so well confused her ;) Danger does follow her, though, and the results just highlighted how tight their bond was. I loved their HEA and the fact that Bella found her place with Caden and her new friends :D

I Love This Series!!!
Written by PT reader on 28th Jun 2024

I loved the first book in series, but the last couple have left me a little disappointed. This one, however, was a much better overall story along with delving a little deeper into the idea of a “natural” sub. Some of us are just like that, even if we don’t seem like we are. It takes the absolute right man to show us, and Bella’s Dom did just that for her. I love it!

Loved it
Written by Jill G on 28th Jun 2024

I found the story to be well written and very entertaining. Running for her life, Bella meets Caden and for the first time she knows what it’s like to be safe and cherished. The danger is still there and waiting. They have their HEA but a lot happens first. There are some secondary individuals who add a lot to the story. Read it, I think you will enjoy it. I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and are voluntarily leaving a review.

Dom and sub
Written by mooredeba on 28th Jun 2024

This is a fast read. It is well written, has great characters, and the story is interesting. Lila Fox does a great job depicting a dom/sub relationship. There’s quite a bit of steam. The characters are fun and get along well.

Loved it
Written by Heather1145 on 28th Jun 2024

I Loved Bellas story. This is a wonderful series and I was happy to finally have Caden and Bella's story. I couldn't put it down.

Loved it
Written by HDG on 28th Jun 2024

I Loved Bellas story. This is a wonderful series and I was happy to finally have Caden and Bella's story. I couldn't put it down

Gripping quick read--excellent
Written by Andrea R on 28th Jun 2024

This is a super quick read and it brings us a heroine who did the right thing and raised her brother and even though grown is still taking care of him even though he disrespects her at every turn. When she decides to stand up for herself she ends up hurt and alone. The story that is told is touching and genuinely a gripping love story.

Caden and Bella
Written by CarKar on 28th Jun 2024

Thank God Bella's life took a much needed turn. I loved how Caden was enamored by Bella the first glimpse he got of her at the diner. Truly, the universe puts people in our paths at just the right time. Bella definitely needed an experienced Caden to help her get her life back on track, and to be taken cared of after the turmoil of raising her disgusting brother. Glad Bella was also surrounded by Cat, Hannah and the rest of the guys. Love definitely comes from the most unexpected places.

Bella's Dom
Written by Makeen on 28th Jun 2024

Lila Fox delivers a top notch story every time! Bella and Caden’s story is an inspiration: his care and her submission are beautifully crafted. She’s such a sweet woman, still an innocent even though she’s been treated horribly by her family. He’s protective, a Dom, and her salvation from a cruel life. Bella doesn’t expect anyone to take care of her, so Caden’s level of care confuses her. I loved the trust that built between them and the way he treated her sexual awakening. Their relationship was fast, but believable. They face some challenges and danger, but it’s a wonderful ending and Bella has lots of new friends!

Little Sub
Written by BLT on 28th Jun 2024

This is a quick, short read that has you cheering for the underdog. Caden saw something in Bella the instant he saw her at the diner but she got away before he had a chance to talk to her. Bella is a hard working person who is working numerous jobs and is taking care of her lazy, abusive brother. Bella finally goes to the police about her brother and is told not to go back home. The sheriff makes a call to help Bella find a new job away from brother. Imagine Caden’s surprise when the beautiful redhead practically appears on his doorstep for an interview.

A Little on the light side....
Written by Stats23 on 28th Jun 2024

This is my first exposure to a book by Ms. Fox, but it won’t be my last. Caden spots a young waitress and is immediately struck by her appearance and demeanour. Something seems off and he is obsessed to find out what. Bella’s life has been sheltered in that after her mother’s death she had to care for her then 15 year old brother to keep him out of the foster system. It was not a symbiotic relationship. When things go absolutely off the rails with her brother Randy, she ends up sleeping in her car in the parking lot of a kink club. In a remarkable set of coincidences Caden rescues her from a freezing night and a special relationship is kindled. It is a sweet little romance involving some DDlg elements, with a BDSM tie-in, and a damsel in distress. It’s not a deep plot and the kink elements are light, but the overall story is still entertaining. Certainly above the average, but not the 5 Star DDlg story I was hoping for. Perhaps the next one of Ms. Fox’s books that I read will have a bit more depth. 4 Stars

A sweet and sassy HEA
Written by Sarah ES on 28th Jun 2024

Wow. This book starts out so dark, but ends with so much light, love, and happiness!! They fall in love so quickly that they build up steam before she even realizes what is happening!! That she has tied herself to this strong dominating man!! Her life will never be the same and that’s what she counting on!!

Caden and Bella
Written by Angela F on 28th Jun 2024

This is Book 4 of The Doms of Madison County I loved this book and didn't put it down. Caden was enthralled and Intrigued by Bella the first time he saw her. Bella was struggling and had to deal with her abusive brother until one night it came to a head and the next day she leaves.I love that Bella had the sheriff looking out for her as well. Great Read that I will reread again! Great characters and storyline.

Great story
Written by PHOENIX96 on 28th Jun 2024

Caden is drawn to Bella at first sight, but can tell somethings amiss, she's looked after her brother since their mums death, but could Caden be the one to set Bella free? Well written engaging steamy, dom/sub themes

BDSM instalove
Written by NCherry1719 on 28th Jun 2024

Bella works numerous jobs to support herself and her lazy abusive brother. When things get worse at home, she realizes she has to leave. After filing a report to the sheriff, he suggests she goes to a kink club for employment. Caden and his friends own the kink club, and they're all doma. When he meets Bella, he realizes that she's the sub he's been hoping for. While the world is new to Bella, she begins to like being taken care of. But what happens when her brother finds her again? Tropes: BDSM, Damsel in distress "She kept asking for her master, and I assume that’s you?” Caden nodded. “I was told she woke up for a minute when you got there. That’s a powerful connection the two of you have because no one I know has been able to awake from the drug.” “She’s my life,” Caden said"

Written by Michele77 on 28th Jun 2024

This quick read brings us Bella who raised her brother and is still taking care of him even though he is an adult, he is ungrateful and fully expects her to provide for him and when she pushes back, he attacks her. Finally, Bella escapes and goes to the police. What follows is a very fast paced storyline with mention of kink and some violence. The characters are good, Bella is very sweet and innocent while Caden is willing to care for her.

The Madison Doms
Written by Kathy123 on 28th Jun 2024

The book is part of The Doms of Madison County series, but works well as a standalone, at least it did for me. However, if you are a fan, the characters of the previous episodes are all there and I like to think, you will probably enjoy the story even a bit more. This is about four brothers, who are all doms and who own and run a BDSM club. Two of them already have their personal subs, and the two others are single. But for Caden, meeting the beautiful Bella will change things. Bella is an interesting character, who has encountered severe domestic violence from her brother (the two live together) and is now trying to find a place to shelter from him and to get away from the hell she experiences at home. The local Sheriff actually recommends the Madison club to her (who would have thought?) and that's where Caden comes in. I like the club a lot, how the brothers interact and how the doms and their subs seem to be one happy family. When Bella's brother seeks revenge, I found myself turning the pages, but Bella is a bit too whiney in the hospital for my liking. I also wished there was a bit more about Caden and his background, but then again, as mentioned, I am not familiar with previous parts of the story. All in all this is fast paced, steamy and a good read and I hope for more from the Madison Doms.

Great novella
Written by Polli.P on 28th Jun 2024

The premise isn't new but the story is sweet and sexy. Caden and Bella become D/s when Bella finally gets away from her abusive brother. The two MCs are a perfect match: a possessive, protective, natural care giver and a scared, abused virgin. Their romance is insta attraction, spicy and set in and around a kink club. This is a well thought out short story, easy to read, and entertaining.

A sweet read
Written by TheresaSs on 28th Jun 2024

This was a great read with wonderful characters. A caring and very sexy Dom MMC with a sweet FMC that have hot chemistry. A good plot and the book flows smoothly from start to finish. A spicy and enjoyable read