GGR Reivew
Outlaw of Mars: A Christmas Story by James Cox is a short roundup story of the Outlaw Series, which I have still to read all the books. I can say this mouth reading this short story, what to someone like me who only read one of James Cox prior books in this series, becomes a 25 page teaser. Now I need to find out how Liam was rescued, I read about him being trapped on earth in Outlaw MC book #6 and remember thinking the same thing. In this book we meet Liam, Reilly and Outlaw once again, after book 8 where Outlaw goes to earth and break Liam free from prison. Liam is brought down, not eating or sleeping because of the horrendous dreams that are chasing him from his time in prison. Outlaw and Reilly has a plan on how to get Liam to associate Earth with pleasure and them and that is why they bring him, by half force to Earth, to still those nightmares and the demons that are chasing him in them, once and for all. Compared to book #6 this book is really just a wrap up of the series, not a separate couples story or to bring more plot to this fantastic futuristic story that James Cox created with this MC gang on Mars. But it is so nicely done that is it is a sweet and sensual read, and without knowing what book 8 was about I can tell that James Cox felt as if maybe Reilly, Outlaw (Knox) and Liam need a little more clarity and some sort of closure of Liam’s time in captivity on Earth. I especially like the end to this book with the Christmas dinner and all the MC is there. Peach has finally come and it is time to rebuild. Well worth the read, but I think this book probably rings extra sweet if you read the whole series from start to finish, but as a standalone it still works because even if you have no idea about the war before the scenes don’t require that knowledge. Again without reading the whole series, which is on my personal to read list, one can only wish that James Cox still burns for this story and will want to continue the Outlaw MC series in a newer form. Maybe the outlaws will want to return to Earth and rebuild it to its former glory or maybe it is time to dust off Mars and make it to the new and improved earth.