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Genre: Romantic Suspense

Heat Level: 2

Word Count: 47, 600

ISBN: 978-0-3695-0864-5

Editor: CA Clauson

Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

Sound and Deception by Nancy E. Polin

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A family emergency brings Klahanie Bishop back to the tiny Pacific Northwest island where she grew up. Going home wasn’t something she’d anticipated, nor had she anticipated running into Noah, the childhood boyfriend who’d humiliated...
5 (9)
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Genre: Contemporary Romance

Heat Level: 1

Word Count: 10, 470

ISBN: 978-1-77339-088-8

Editor: Karyn White

Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

Even Honey Expires by Carlene Love

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A Sin Pointe Novel, 6 Sin Pointe drummer Will Cordero has good reason to keep his marriage a secret. In an age of no privacy, there’s too much danger and drama should he introduce Honey to the Sin Pointe masses and he’ll do whatever he can...
5 (5)
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Genre: Historical Romance

Heat Level: 2

Word Count: 7, 590

ISBN: 978-1-77233-441-8

Editor: JS Cook

Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

Compromised by Raven McAllan

Cursed Treasure, prequel (Book 1) "Pay the price. The heart of ye child to be liftin the curse. Dare ye risk it?" When Mijo escaped from Madame Le Guillotine and set sail to England, little did she know who her savior was, or what he would mean to...
5 (2)
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Genre: Contemporary Romance

Heat Level: 2

Word Count: 27, 785

ISBN: 978-1-77130-800-7

Editor: JS Cook

Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

Touch of Sin by Carlene Love Flores

A Sin Pointe Novel Lonerby guitarist Luke Willoughby and his band are under tight scrutiny since a press conference was ruined by a band member’s sudden vomiting attack. They’ve been suspended from the Sin Pointe tour and Luke fears...
5 (6)
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Genre: Interracial Romance

Heat Level: 2

Word Count: 5, 865

ISBN: 978-1-77130-358-3

Editor: Marie Medina

Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

Irish Comfort by Nikki Prince

  Imani Parker has had it with just friendship with Skylar Magee. Saint Patrick's Day will either make them a couple or break them. She wants to show him that his place is with her and she is the only home he needs.  She invites Skylar to...
4 (3)
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Genre: Erotic Interracial Romance

Heat Level: 2

Word Count: 7, 770

ISBN: 978-1-77130-042-1

Editor: Marie Medina 

Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

No Regrets by Kassanna

Azia Clemmon's husband has been on deployment for a little less than a year. On a whim she agrees to go out with a girlfriend. While at the club her girlfriend leaves and Azia is left to her own devices. Feeling empowered, wearing a little black dress,...
4 (1)