Sinister Desires by Faedra Rose

Heat Level 4
SKU 978-0-3695-0695-5

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Loving Monsters, 1

It’s All Hallows’ Eve and Charleigh Llewellyn has just been dumped like a piece of trash after giving her ex-boyfriend a second chance over the holidays. Forced to walk home to her parents—through the woods—she is accosted by a pack of ravenous wolves.

But there are worse things than wolves lurking in the woods, and soon Charleigh finds herself indebted to a living, breathing monster. Following her most sinister desires, Charleigh feels compelled to repay the creature—soon learning the truth about his curse and much, much more…

Be Warned: anal sex, monster sex


I’m not ready to die! I cry out in my mind—to God, the universe, my foremothers, or All Hallows’ spirits; I can’t be sure. Everything that has previously existed in my life has narrowed down to one imperative goal: survive. Heart set on home, I push myself until my lungs are burning and a pain flares in my side, stealing the breath from me. I gasp out in pain, my hand finding the confluence of my hip. A fucking stitch! You’ve got to be kidding me. Not. Now!

But in the next second, the stitch is the least of my problems. Something catches my boot, and suddenly I’m airborne. A scream rips from my throat as I fly for what seems like forever. I hit the sodden ground hard and shriek as pain radiates through me from my chest. My ankle feels like it’s at entirely the wrong angle.

“Fuck!” I sob, drawing myself up onto my knees. Reaching out for something, anything, with which to support myself, I find a large crooked stick. Gritting my teeth, I mutter a string of profanities under my breath as I clutch it with both hands, pulling myself up by sheer force of will. A low growl rumbles behind me, and I forget how to breathe. This is it. This is where I make my stand. This is where I die—in the woods on Halloween. Fucking perfect. A ridiculously nervous, bordering on maniacal laugh escapes me as I turn to face the wolf.

“All right, bitch,” I say, raising the stick like a baseball bat. “Let’s do this. If I’m going to die, you’re going to be chewing on my fat ass with one mother fucker of a headache!”

The wolf growls again, baring its fangs in a vicious snarl of warning.

“Come on!” I goad. “What are you waiting for?”

The wolf lowers its head, pawing at the earth as it gets ready to launch.

No. Fuck you! And then, committing my weight to the swing, I lash out first, bringing the stick around in a wide arc. I catch the side of the wolf’s face, and it seems as though the moment plays out in slow motion. I see the wolf’s flesh ripple with the impact of my blow, and its nose scrunch as the force knocks its head to the side—causing it to stumble and yelp.

“Come on! Is that all you’ve got? Where are your friends?” I shout, trying to ignore the searing pain in my ankle. I gingerly put weight on it, struggling to keep my balance. The wolf growls again, and its pack stalks from the darkness. “All right, now this is a party!” I scream at them, gripping the stick tight. If I’m going down, I’m going down swinging!

The wolves’ golden eyes glimmer in the moonlight like jewels. They’re such beautiful beasts. If only they weren’t trying to eat me… A brisk breeze ruffles my hair, and the air behind me chills so suddenly, and unexpectedly, that it feels like some cruel trickster has snuck up on me and tipped a bucket of ice-water down my spine. I freeze in place as the wolves whine. One after the other, they back-step, their glittering eyes focused somewhere behind me. Then the wolves flee as one, turning on their heels, deciding that I’m not worth standing up to whomever—or whatever—lurks at my back, bringing the chill of the grave with it.

Trembling, I will myself to turn and face my unexpected savior. Or is it damnation? Agonizingly slowly I find the courage to pivot around. Eyes on the ground, my gaze travels up a weathered black trench coat which whispers eerily in the mist as if it’s alive, like sentient, breathing shadows. I swallow the bile that creeps up my throat, daring to look higher still.

An imposing figure reveals broad shoulders, and upon those intimidating shoulders sits a pumpkin—a jack-O-lantern to be exact. With the most menacing, soul-sapping, sharp-toothed grin, and angled, hollowed-out eyes that burn not with the innocent flames of tea-light candles, but with the fucking fires of Hell. I open my mouth to scream, but no sound escapes. Not even a squeak. My lips move, but my lungs fail me.

The jack-O-lantern opens its coat with long, green, provocatively clawed fingers to reveal an equally moss-green body; the body of a man, but not. My unblinking gaze trails down solid pecs to find a ridiculously ripped set of abs … and then… Sweet mother of God! This abomination is packing the biggest, thickest cock I’ve ever seen. It must be twelve inches! And it’s green, too!

I can’t do anything but stare, immobile as the monster steps closer, its blazing eyes dancing with a terrifying intelligence. I gasp as a leafy vine creeps out from under his trench coat, trailing over the moist earth. Its delicate tendrils twist around my ankle, wrapping it up like a bandage of green gauze; then they tighten, and a cry bursts out of me at the sharp but fleeting pain that follows. I watch with rapt fascination as the vines uncoil, releasing my leg, only to disappear back beneath the jack-O-lantern’s coat of darkness.

I instinctively twitch my ankle, then gasp, glancing up at the towering monster before testing my weight on it. “It doesn’t hurt,” I whisper in awe. “You fixed it?”

The jack-O-lantern tilts its pumpkin head the way a curious cat might, as if it wants to communicate.

“Thank you,” I stammer, raising my voice above a whisper. “You saved me from those wolves, and now you’ve re-set my foot.” I lick my lips nervously when no conversation is forthcoming. “Can you speak?”

The monster shakes its head slowly from side to side, never taking its burning eyes from me. It watches me for a time. Then another tendril snakes out, writhing toward me to seize my wrist, tightening just enough to hurt. It tugs, drawing me nearer and nearer. I stumble forward, eyes wide, my heart in my throat as the living pumpkin vines pull my gloved hand toward its monstrous, green, dark-veined cock.



Product Reviews

Score: 4 out of 5 (based on 47 ratings)
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Sinister Desires
Written by Aurora S on 18th Aug 2023

" I knew I was into all things taboo, but this is something else–it's literally otherworldly.' " Anything Halloween, sign me up! This is my first novella by Faedra Rose, and I was not disappointed. She handles sweet and spicy in such a way that leaves readers hooked. I felt like it cut off a bit at the end, and skips time during the night. Overall, if youre looking for a short fantasy erotica novella, this is right up your alley. #monstersmut #sinisterdesires #faedrarose #netgalley #arcs #2022arcs #arcreview #delayedarcreviews #fantasyerotica #erotica

A good read that will keep you warm on any cold night
Written by Kel Mo on 5th Mar 2023

A novella with monsters, sex and a bit of mayhem thrown in. A good read that will keep you warm on any cold night. Happy reading.

Check it out
Written by amara moon on 20th Dec 2022

Thanks NetGalley! Exactly what you would expect from this cover! Fun, enjoyable short bizarre af monster romance. Smut was fine too. It is a book to fly through. Check it out.

Sinister desires romance
Written by Juliz on 27th Nov 2022

Sinister desires was an darkly delightful wonderful paranormal Halloween romance story with entertaining characters

Well that was interesting
Written by Celeste H on 19th Nov 2022

Well that was interesting…. I’m not sure how I feel about what I just read but I’m glad it was a short story. The writing was fine, and well in the short amount of time the characters were not lacking. I’m just not sure about the story.

A fun, quick read
Written by Mary K on 19th Nov 2022

After getting dumped on the side of the road by her ex boyfriend, Charleigh starts walking home. She doesn't want to call her family for a ride for whatever reason and would rather make the long trek home on foot. But then she thinks her time is up when she's surrounded by a pack of hungry wolves until a monster right out of a nightmare comes to her rescue. The headless Horseman right out of the creepy Halloween story appears in front of her, having just saved her from the wolves. But he wants something in return for saving her and Charleigh is ready to give it to him. But he doesn't just want her body, he wants her to help him have offspring as well. At first I wasn't sure where this story was going or how Charleigh would fare after this monster was done with her but it turns out that they were meant for each other. After some very graphic and imaginative love scenes, we find out what the future holds for both of them. If you like a monster romance with a little Halloween creepiness thrown in for good measure, then this will be right up you alley. It was a fun, quick read. Disclosure: I was given an e-ARC of this book via NetGalley but all thoughts and opinions are my own.

Short & Spicy Halloween Romance
Written by Jamie_rc1977 on 19th Nov 2022

She's lost in the woods and gets saved by a creature that has a green moss colored muscular body and a jack-o'-lantern for a head. her way to repay him is getting on her knees! And guess what it tastes like candy! holy heck this book was yummmmm with a capital Y.

Great Monster Romance
Written by Sarah-Jade on 7th Nov 2022

Great book to read and you will love this if you love monster/human romance! Jack O'lantern is the smutty monster hero in this book and was very entertaining.

A fast-paced spicy romance
Written by l belcher on 7th Nov 2022

Sinister Desires is certainly a unique story. It was a fast-paced spicy romance perfect for Halloween. It was a good read.

3.5 Stars - Great Series Starter
Written by tburbr on 7th Nov 2022

This was a great start to a new series. The character work and story line were well written and kept me entertained. I would have liked the story to be a little longer , however it was a quick, fun read.

Dark Halloween Desires
Written by JennT on 7th Nov 2022

This short story is very much monster-horror erotica, with a sweet finish (in unexpected ways - wink wink). It’s filthy, unexpectedly violent, yet it is also unconventionally romantic. I quite enjoyed this erotic Halloween read.

Fun and naughty Halloween tale!
Written by BONITA S on 7th Nov 2022

Fun and naughty Halloween tale! Definitely creative and not for the prudish, but a quick and festive read - outcasts no more!

great start to the Loving Monsters series
Written by k. leer on 7th Nov 2022

this was a great start to the Loving Monsters series, it had a great concept and did what I was hoping it would do. The characters were really well done and worked in the world that was created. I enjoyed reading this and I enjoyed the way Faedra Rose wrote this.

Fun story
Written by Babs on 7th Nov 2022

The first book in the Loving Monsters series, a short steamy story. That is well written and was fun to read. I received a copy of this book via Evernight and am voluntarily leaving a review.

Sinister desires
Written by P W on 7th Nov 2022

This was a different fantasy read where she falls in love with a monster. Jack was certainly different and that’s what made this book good. Storyline was fun

Sinister Desires
Written by Cari R on 7th Nov 2022

Ok, ummm, where to begin? Charleigh, meets Pumpkin-Monster, instantly gets all hot and bothered for him. There is some revenge murder and a lot of what the hell did I just read. However, it is the perfect shut book for Halloween!

Sinister Desires
Written by Fairytales4Ever on 7th Nov 2022

Definitely OTT and NSFW, this short story is really good! Very

Debauched and sinister Halloween desires
Written by vickymeowmeow on 26th Oct 2022

Excellent Gothic tale of true monster love. The characters are clearly defined and well written. I feel sorry for Jack and hope that there is a second story where he can earn his Redemption. This was a clever and creative story and I'm so glad I picked it up.

A Halloween monster cometh!
Written by Laura S. on 26th Oct 2022

Jack has been cursed to be a jack-o-lantern monster that can only appear on Halloween. She is a bit of a misfit, a gothic member of a midwestern town. After being left and humiliated by her ex, she meets Jack on her way home through the woods. After Jack saves her from the wolves, and the deviant adventures start from there! Will love be able to save Jack from his curse? Read on to find out!

Halloween read
Written by ANG27 on 26th Oct 2022

A quick and dirty romance for this Halloween season. I was a little surprised by some of the things in this one but it was a good read.

Fun fast read with a steamy and inventive romance
Written by LBing on 26th Oct 2022

This was a fun fast read that really took me on a wild reading ride ;P Getting dumped in the woods by your now ex and meeting the headless horseman sure made for a strange night for Charleigh. Getting revenge and all her 'sinister' desires met, well, that made for a steamy and inventive story. This is the first book I've read by this author but it won't be my last. Can't wait to see what other monsters are going to show up in future books ;D

Good Read
Written by Tamnut on 26th Oct 2022

I really enjoyed this book. Characters and story are well written. This is a steamy, quick Halloween read. Definitely recommend.

Written by Flavia Karina on 26th Oct 2022

Super hot quick read. The best way to enjoy Halloween...with a sinister character and a damsel in distress who isn't afraid to use her mouth, her hands and all of connect with her knight in shining armor...I loved that he was remained true to his own essence.

Loved It!
Written by Nina D on 26th Oct 2022

I loved this book. It was a fun, steamy, unique quick read. Great world building and wonderful characters. Charleigh's loser ex-boyfriend steals her candy and abandons her miles away from home on Halloween night after she gave him another chance after cheating on her. Walking through the woods to get home, she's attacked by a pack of wolves, but saved by a monster with a Jack-O-Lantern face who heals her injuries, but wants something in return. For such a short read, this story felt very complete with well developed characters. Jack's story/history was interesting, and he managed to touch something in Charleigh that really connected them. I really enjoyed this. 5 stars.

Steamy Halloween Treat!
Written by Mistie Best on 26th Oct 2022

What a treat! I loved this short Halloween goodie and Jack finally got his pumpkin patch and his own version of happiness!

Short and steamy!
Written by Ash J on 26th Oct 2022

I loved this monster romance! Jack has a pumpkin head and only comes out on Halloween. He saves a girl from wolves and then they get really freaky with each other. She then finds out that he can only come out on Halloween but he wants a family, so she works her hardest to give him that. This story was short, steamy, had some death, and included a HEA for the couple. Fun and steamy quick read.

Loved this story!
Written by Erin on 18th Oct 2022

You’re my very own Halloween knight.” Halloween is my FAVORITE holiday. So naturally, I was looking for a spicy Halloween read, and let me tell you….I found it! I have no clue how Faedra did it, but she made a Jack O’ Lantern sexy AF! Charleigh, the FMC, decides to meet up with her ex on All Hallow’s Eve and realizes she made a huge mistake. After an embarrassing display, she finds herself alone in the woods surrounded by wolves. She is prepared to fight for her life when the wolves retreat and she finds herself standing in front of another type of monster. This book is great! A quick read filled with lots and lots of spice! Charleigh is my girl. She is a total gothic queen who does what she wants. Jack...well let's just say, he not only tastes like candy but has VINES- lots and lots of vines

This one was a wiiiild ride!
Written by Mackenzie M on 15th Oct 2022

This one was a wiiiild ride! If you’re looking for something quick, fun, totally ridiculous and smutty for Halloween - this is it. I wish we got more of the characters & I wanted the ending to be a little more satisfying, but overall it was a good time.

Was it dark? Yes. Was it dirty? YES.
Written by Carrie W on 15th Oct 2022

Woah - that may be the weirdest smut I’ve read to date. I probably should have refreshed my memory on what this was about before diving right in, but dive in I did! This is a very quick and dirty read about a goth girl who, when walking home after being humiliated by a fling, meets up with a real life jack-o-lantern with all the parts you’d need for smutty goodness. Was it dark? Yes. Was it dirty? YES. Did it somehow manage to have a romantic happy ending? Also, somehow, yes! If you enjoy a weird read to go along with the Halloween season, I assume this is for you. I have no clue how to rate this on a real scale, I just gave it a fun 4 stars out of 5.

You’ll never look at pumpkins the same way again
Written by A Schofield on 11th Oct 2022

Charleigh is out trick or treating with her ex boyfriend when he dumps her out if the car and she has to walk through the woods to get home. She is attached by wolves and is saved by Jack. As payment he wants Charleigh to birth his legacy. This is a dark and sexy story. Definitely worth a read.

I can't recommend this fun read monster porn more!
Written by Kate S on 11th Oct 2022

This was a WILD ride through the pumpkin patch. It felt like Rob Zombie writing an episode of Red Shoe Diaries, and I mean that in the best way possible! I am so freaking glad my girlfriend suggested it, And allowed me to live text her as I was reading it. It was weirdly sexy, and I actually want a fleshed out (pun intended!) backstory for Jack. And also a sequel for the little pumpkin munchkins

Loved it!
Written by Leeannwriter on 11th Oct 2022

I give this work 5 stars – It's a very different and imaginative love story. I was caught up in the story from the first page to the last. It's sexy and delightfully written. I really liked that the character was based on Jack, the first man to be turned into a jack-o-lantern centuries ago. It's an ideal seasonal read as we approach Halloween! I really enjoyed it and will look for more from Faedra Rose! I received a review copy from Book Sprout.

What a ride!
Written by Laura on 10th Oct 2022

Faedra had me instantly engaged and hooked with this story. It's a wild, erotic ride I thoroughly enjoyed! Anxious to see where her imagination takes me next.

Sinister Desires.
Written by Caroline Doig on 7th Oct 2022

This is a monster romance with Jack O Lantern/ Jack and Charleigh well it’s not so much as a romance because it’s smutty, saucy, really weird and murder just in time for Halloween. This is an entertaining story I enjoyed it and I recommend this book.

Sinister Desires
Written by Ashley on 7th Oct 2022

When a meeting with her ex on All Hallow’s Eve turns bad Charleigh is left to wander the woods home.... and finds herself face to face with a pumpkin headed monster. Something about the hell fire in its eyes and the fact that it protected her and helped her makes her want to act on her darker impulses... and this will be a Halloween she’ll never forget. *Thank you Netgalley and Evernight Publishing for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review*

Spooky season!
Written by Ashley D on 7th Oct 2022

The perfect spicy Halloween story for spooky season! Such a quick and easy read! I was hooked from the very beginning. I almost wish it wasn’t so short!

Sinister Desires Book 1 of Loving Monsters by Faedra Rose
Written by mickala robinson on 7th Oct 2022

first time reading faedra rose and wont be the last was a really good read with great story and characters loved it

Great for Halloween.
Written by Mary S on 7th Oct 2022

Wow this was something very different and great for this upcoming Halloween to read and enjoy. But it would have been much better if it was a bit more long, it was really great to read that I didn’t want it to end and maybe a different kind of ending would been much better to the the one we got. But all honestly it was a delicious short read.

Loving Monsters - Sinister Desires
Written by Lee Ann Murphy on 30th Sep 2022

I give this work 5 stars – It's a very different and imaginative love story. I was caught up in the story from the first page to the last. It's sexy and delightfully written. I really liked that the character was based on Jack, the first man to be turned into a jack-o-lantern centuries ago. It's an ideal seasonal read as we approach Halloween! I really enjoyed it and will look for more from Faedra Rose! I received a review copy from Book Sprout.

Sinister Desires
Written by Kaylyn J on 27th Sep 2022

Oh, I know the monster lovers are going to enjoy this one! I'm new to the monster lovin' realm but the minute I saw this book and read the description, I knew I had to read it. Charleigh is an absolutely unhinged MC and I love her for it! There's some suspension of disbelief needed to fully enjoy this but that's the fun of stories like these. Thank you to Netgalley and Evernight Publishing for allowing me to read this early.

A quick and spicy monster read
Written by Rebekah F on 27th Sep 2022

A quick and spicy monster read that is perfect for the upcoming Halloween! The writing was great and pretty funny actually. I really think that reader of this genre will love this book and I think Faedra Rose did a great job of this book

Great story
Written by PHOENIX96 on 27th Sep 2022

Charleighs Hallows Eve didnt have a great start after being dumped by her ex, shes alone walking the woods, but shes not alone, when a pack ofnwolves decend its a creature unlike any other that comes to her rescue, Jack. And well she can't not thank her savior, and give him something he never dreamed possible of having, a family. Well written steamy short spooky, monster, OTT romance

Sinister Desires Book 1 of Loving Monsters by Faedra Rose
Written by mickala robinson on 27th Sep 2022

first time reading faedra rose and wont be the last was a really good read with great story and characters loved it

Creepy and haunting
Written by NannyBabs on 27th Sep 2022

This book was interestingly detailed, somewhat strange and very entertaining. The perfect goth Halloween story.

Halloween Knight
Written by A. Adams on 27th Sep 2022

This is a Halloween romance. Charleigh was dumped by her ex on Halloween. Now Charleigh finds herself walking through the woods and it's not safe. A monster comes to her rescue. The book is very descriptive. Halloween is all Charleigh is going to have with Jack, her monster. Jack wants one thing in return. A legacy. Short, fun, and hot Halloween read.

Just in time for Halloween!
Written by Sydnie B on 27th Sep 2022

This book was freaking wild! It has everything in a monster smut book you could ever want--monsters and mayhem, spiciness, murder, and even some sweet moments. Perfect for all spooky readers and just in time for Halloween!

5 Stars
Written by Di Budo on 27th Sep 2022

I really enjoyed all the characters, there are monsters, mystery, intrigue, steam and spice in spades. My only regret is that it is so short.