Night Owl Review
Melissa Hosack brings a winter holiday hero from fantasy into scorching hot reality with this erotic romance. Lincoln Belmonte is not happy yet she doesn’t come across as whiny or annoying, simply frustrated with her life, like many people are. Seriously what single lady hasn’t fantasized about giving Cupid what for? I loved that she got her chance to tell the little love god off. I was hoping for some more fireworks when she finally met the guy but I did enjoy that he wasn’t quite what she was expecting. Valen is a fantastic hero and I loved how he performed his duties as it was a fantastic take on a modern way to get the job done. The heat between these two is definitely there and I loved witnessing the intense moments between them. I really enjoyed meeting Lincoln’s best friend and would love to see her story told in detail. I would enjoy seeing this author take on the challenge of some other mythological characters and bring them in to the present. This was a quick, fun, pleasant read. As Lincoln Belmonte looks down at the candles on her birthday cake as she turns single she realizes only one person is to blame for the unhappiness in her life. Cupid. So she wishes to tell the guy off, after all he’s responsible for every broken relationship in her life and the reason she’s still single. So the next morning when she wakes up in his house, in his bed, here’s her chance but one look at Valen and she can’t decide whether to give him a piece of her mind or her body!