Blackmailing the Denton Girl by Sam Crescent

Heat Level 3
SKU 978-0-3695-1001-3

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The Denton Family Legacy, 7

Tamsin doesn’t want to be married. She ran away from home and started a new life for herself far away from any Denton. However, she knows there is always danger lurking. Mason Savonas is closing in, and she cannot fall into his trap.

Mason has no choice, he has to find Tamsin Denton before his father does. His father likes them young, and he has set his sights on the youngest Denton. He does not want war between their families, but peace. After finding Tamsin, he does negotiate. He will keep all of her secrets, and all she has to do is marry him.

For two years, Mason surprises her. He is the perfect gentleman. She wants to hate him, but little by little, she sees the true man that he is, and it is not someone she hates.

But there is trouble brewing. Mason could not kill his father due to the consequences, but he has just uncovered a loophole. Only Tamsin can kill him, and he will not ask his young wife to kill a man. Can she do it, or will it be too late to save everyone from all out war?


She walked into the bedroom, found a silk negligee she had purchased, and quickly put it on. To finish, she donned a robe and then looked at the bed, where the book lay that had filled her head with so many ideas.

Picking it up, she glared at it. “This is all your fault.” She opened the bedside drawer, threw the book inside, and slammed it closed.

She had tried to ignore her curiosity for so long, as well as her attraction toward her husband. In the beginning it had felt easy to do. She had so much animosity inside her, thinking of Mason as attractive was the last thing on her mind. Every opportunity presented to him and even to herself, she could label him a monster or an asshole. Then of course, once the anger started to melt away, she realized he was anything but.

Like on their wedding night. If it had been left to Paul, she had no doubt she wouldn’t be a virgin. He’d have taken her, and there had been plenty of moments since then when he has hinted at what he wanted to do to her. She never told Mason, because it wasn’t about rocking the boat. No, it was about survival.

That was all she was doing—trying to survive. Mason, however, on their wedding night, took care of her. He cut himself, bloodied the sheets, and then when it was all over, he gave her space and even time. Mason didn’t demand her presence the next morning. No one had to look at her after his father displayed the sheets. In a weird way, he’d been a gentleman about it. When it was time to leave, he made sure no one stopped them or got the chance to talk to her.

Over the last two years, he had protected her. He only made her go to certain functions that made it impossible for him to refuse. He never left her side. There were, of course, a few occasions where his father asked her to dance, and he couldn’t refuse. Mason had learned the trick, though, and whenever he saw his father coming, he took her onto the dance floor. She realized that.

He never forced her to go anywhere for her birthday and Christmas. They did only what they had to do. Their first Christmas together, alone, she had been quite content. They both took the time to decorate the tree, and while Mason had been away, she attempted to make the house all festive. Tamsin didn’t know if he would love it or hate it, and Mason had loved it. That Christmas, even though deep in her heart she wanted to hate it, had been one of the best in her life. She had even gone shopping for gifts for Mason. Nothing too special. Just some items of clothing, trinkets, that kind of thing. He’d done the same for her.

Pushing those thoughts aside, she made her way out of her room and straight back to the main corridor, only to find Mason wasn’t there. She found him in his office. He’d poured himself a whiskey and was standing near the empty fireplace. During the winter months, there was often a soft fire glowing. It was summer and any essence of a fire would be way too blistering.

She stepped forward, hitting the door, gaining his attention.

Mason turned to her and for several minutes, neither of them said anything. He’d removed his jacket and rolled up his sleeves, showcasing the spread of his tattoos. His arms were covered, his chest, and there were some on his back. From what she could see, he liked to get inked.

Closing the distance between them, she watched as he took a sip of his drink.

“What’s the matter?” she asked.

“Nothing. Want a taste?”

Tamsin never drank. Other than a few sips of wine or champagne, she liked to keep a level head. Growing up a Denton, then running away and fighting for her life, she had not relished the toxicity of alcohol.

She took a deep breath and then nodded. Taking the glass from him, she pressed it to her lips and took a sip, wrinkling her nose as it burned on the way down.

“That’s horrible.”

Mason chuckled. “I know.”

“Why do you drink it?”

“I guess I love the burn.” He finished off the drink. “Did you enjoy your dinner?”

“Yes.” She looked at him and nibbled her lip, not sure what was happening. They had agreed to sex, to making babies, or at least to sex.

That blasted book upstairs and its suggestions. And people said reading was a good thing. Tamsin reached out and took his hand, holding it in hers.

At first, she didn’t move. She felt frozen in place. This was the first time she had openly touched him, and all she had done was hold his hand.

What am I doing?

Why am I doing this?

Do I even want this?

So many questions rolled around her head and none of them made any kind of sense.

Tamsin placed a hand on his chest. He was so warm. Even through his shirt, she felt the warmth spreading to her hand.


She tilted her head toward him. There was no rule to say she couldn’t kiss him. She wasn’t bound by any laws to say this couldn’t happen. She had made up every single rule and law when it came to this man. No one was going to stop her. No one was going to grab her, throw her in jail, and lock away the key.

She had set the rules and boundaries, and if she wanted to, providing Mason wanted to as well, she could break them. None of the ties that bound them controlled what they did next. This could happen.

Slowly, she slid her hand up his chest. She released a little gasp as she felt his hand on her hip, holding her tightly.

“What are you doing?” he asked.

She had no idea.

“I don’t know,” she answered as honestly as she could. “But, I’d like you to kiss me, and to do so because you want to, and because you’re not afraid.”

Mason chuckled. “I’m not afraid of you, Tamsin.”

“What about … me being a Denton?” She tilted her head to the side and looked at him.

“I don’t give a fuck what your name was before. Last time I checked, Tamsin, you’re a Savonas. You’re no Denton.”

And then, he slammed his lips down on hers.


Product Reviews

Score: 5 out of 5 (based on 43 ratings)
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Nice book
Written by Diana A on 26th Apr 2024

I enjoy this book very much, this is the book 7 and I haven't read the previous books, but it was totally fine, now i have to go back and read the complete series because this was just a taste on the full story of the Denton family.

Great Book
Written by Jeanne R on 26th Apr 2024

I've read a lot of books written by Sam Crescent; she is one of my favorite authors. I can’t wait to read more of her books. This is the seventh book in the Denton Family Legacy Series; it is a stand-alone book. The story is about Tamsin & Mason; she’s been on the run, he knows he has to find her before his father does.

Loved this book!!! Unputdownable
Written by Brooke T on 26th Apr 2024

This book was exciting, suspenseful, and page turning. I loved the storyline and the twists and turns thrown in to keep me guessing. The storyline was original sand flowed perfectly from brining to end. I loved the characters they were complex and had a slow build chemistry that was angsty and very spicy. I enjoyed the growth the FMC had throughout this book and her determination. The MMC was intense, loyal and very protective. I loved his motives in this book he was the perfect anti-hero!!! Sam Crescent did it again with an amazing book.

The Denton Girl
Written by Danee on 26th Apr 2024

What a wonderful Mafia story. I was glued to my book from the first page and couldn't turn the pages fast enough to find out how Tamsin and Mason's journey went. There's drama, danger, violence and forced marriage and plenty of steam and heat between them and romance. This is highly recommended to read. This is a book I would definitely read again.

Well written and engaging romance
Written by LBing on 26th Apr 2024

This is the first book of this series that I've read and I really enjoyed how it went from a dire circumstances situation to a wonderful romance for Tamsin and Mason. He has protected her from his creepy father and shows her the life she should have and should look forward to. Tamsin, so much younger than his 30 years, grew and blossomed into a wonderful woman as his wife. These two had a strong love, with great chemistry, and I thoroughly enjoyed following them along in this well written romance.

Blackmailing the Denton Girl
Written by Amd2662 on 26th Apr 2024

Tasmin Denton/Mason Savonas. Mafia Princess/Mafia Don's Heir. Younger Woman/Slightly Older Man. Murder. Threats. Assaults. Kidnapping. Blackmail. Forced, arranged marriage. Distraught. Disillusioned. Angry. Bitter. Betrayed? Protective. Possessive. Attraction. Affection. Desire. Virgin. Consensual. Acceptance. Wonderful characters and endearing story. Love. HEA. Entertaining.

Is it blackmail?
Written by RahiaLeight on 26th Apr 2024

I liked this tale. The title plants a seed, but it's immediately obvious that Mason is pretty darn awesome. There is a touch of mystery with a family curse, but I don't think it makes a huge impact on the tale. In the end, everything happens the way you hope... Personally, I think Paul should have met a more gruesome end.

A marriage of convenience
Written by MellaM on 26th Apr 2024

All Tamsin Denton wants is safety away from her underwold family. Unfortunately, she only had a brief taste of freedom before she has to marry for safety. She's caught the attention of the boss of a rival family with a sadistic reputation. Luckily, Mason Savonas, the boss's son, steps in to save her with a marriage proposal. Unlike his father, Mason is a perfect gentleman, offering a marriage in name only even though he's fallen in love with his wife. I found myself rooting for this couple to have their HEA as Mason looks for a way to take out his father. While this is a well-worn genre, Sam Crescent gives it new life with two relatable characters. A great read.

Amazing finale to an Incredible Series
Written by Suek on 26th Apr 2024

I am so sad to see this series end! If you haven't read the first 6 books, Stop. Do Not Pass Go and begin with Jacob's story. Each tale intertwines crime family politics, villains you love to hate, passion and romance. In this final book, we see the only Denton female forced into an arranged marriage to protect her beloved brother Landon's life. Making the decision even more bitter is that Tamsin has had a taste of freedom. She ran away from the Denton house to get away from all things Denton related. However, she got pulled back to protect Landon's new life. Mason Stavonas is the eldest son trying to take over from his father who is vile and enjoys young girls. Dad in particular craves Tasmin. Mason, in forcing the marriage, hopes to protect Tasmin and take control of the family. The intrigue and mechations behind the power plays in this book were incredible. Most impressive is that the characters were not sacrificed to the plot line. You feel the sadness from Tasmin's brothers that she refuses them. You feel her resentment at losing her chance at a "normal" life. You feel Mason's earnest desire to protect her and get his father out of power. When the answer to the problem means Tasmin must do something that will affect her for the rest of her life, Mason refuses to allow it. He will not let her be tainted by such an act. The gradual lessoning of resentment from Tasmin toward Mason allows for physical desire to seep in. The author seamlessly draws the changing feelings from mistrust to passion and ultimately love. I was pulled into this world and its characters immediately. I cannot recommend this series or this author enough.

This is a must read!
Written by Bbtgrl08 on 26th Apr 2024

Blackmailing the Denton Girl is the seventh book in The Denton Family Legacy. It is also a definite page-turner. I did not read the other books in the series so now I really need to go back. There is a lot of missing information about Tamsin’s past as well as the relationship with her siblings. I need to read about each one and find out what happened to lead up to this point. Overall, I enjoyed the story, plot, suspense, and steamy scenes. the characters are phenomenal and you need to see how they develop and evolve through each book to understand the true Denton legacy.

Mason and Tamsin
Written by Maleficent on 26th Apr 2024

Tasmin does not want to be married or have anything to do with her family. Mason's father has his sights set on her and the only thing that will protect he is to marry her. After two years of marriage, she has come to trust Mason, as he has been a perfect gentleman. There is trouble on the horizon, his father is stirring up trouble, will Mason be able to fix everything before there is a war? All he knows is that he has to protect Tasmin, first and foremost. There is a role that she is supposed to play, is she up to it?

Have courage
Written by Redfaeryrose on 26th Apr 2024

I told myself I wouldn't want to be in the FMC’s place. How she survived shows her grit and courage. But then, knowing what lies at the end of the story made me ask myself, wouldn't all that suffering be worth it if it leads you to the arms of your beloved?

Yikes, so good!
Written by Shelly44 on 26th Apr 2024

Yikes, so good! I have read other novels by this author and loved them. This novel did not disappoint. This author never disappoints. From the first chapter this novel sucked me in and held on tight. This novel took me on such an emotional ride. I loved Gabriel and Ameline(Ame). I loved how Gabriel was so supportive to Ame. Ame has had such a hard time. I was so rooting for Ame and Gabriel. Their chemistry was so good. I could hardly put this novel down. Yikes such a wild ride. This novel ends on a cliffhanger, I can hardly wait for the next novel to come out. The next novel can't come soon enough. So good!

Written by Mistie Best on 26th Apr 2024

This was so good. Mason room Tamsin to protect her from his father but there were so many different things happening in this story. I really enjoyed watching things unfold!

Written by Steacyn on 26th Apr 2024

Forced to marry the enemy to gain family power. Puts this women in a tuff spot. Loopholes in contracts that allow freedom but what do you do when you fall for your husband? Great book. Not to long or short plus well written.

Mason and Tamsin
Written by Luv2Read17 on 26th Apr 2024

I adored this book. Tamsin's inner struggles to find herself and somewhat become her own person, all while being married to someone she isn't sure how she feels towards. Mason should be a "bad guy" and yet has shown compassion and patience with Tamsin. I'm glad Tamsin was able to come to her own conclusions about things and that she and Mason got their HEA.

Tamsin and Mason
Written by Kimmijane on 26th Apr 2024

This story starts out as a pretty typical arranged marriage/ forced proximity book. BUT I loved ❤️?the characters and the relationships that were built between the characters. If you like Mafia romance then you’ll like this book.

Good book
Written by Marie R on 26th Apr 2024

I enjoyed reading this book. Once I started reading Blackmailing the Denton Girl, I didn't want to put my tablet down. The characters are wonderful and the storyline hooked me from the start. I don't like to give details as I don't want to spoil this book for anyone. I would recommend reading this book.

Not your average Mafia book
Written by JamieCB on 26th Apr 2024

I enjoyed this book a lot! I really enjoyed how Tamsin was able to come into her own throughout the book with Mason's support and how he was such a good morally gray character.

Written by Maria M on 26th Apr 2024

This is an author that I enjoy a lot and have been reading for some time Great characterisation and really enjoyed their story.

Great Story
Written by Merry J on 26th Apr 2024

Mason and Tasman are fighting an uphill battle. To save her from his father she has to marry him while he looks for a loophole against is father. He finds one but Tasman has to execute it. Will she be able to step up to the plate to save their families.

Written by A.K. Shaw on 26th Apr 2024

Blackmailing the Denton Girl is the seventh book in The Denton Family Legacy. It is also my favorite thus far, and a definite page-turner. The series has a hint of the supernatural with the Legacy being what it is. Life would be much easier in the real world if the Legacy were true and not just a thing in the Denton family. In this, the seventh book, Mason and Tamsin will find out if the Legacy is true. In that journey, the bounds of relationships and emotions are expertly explored. This is what drew me into the storyline, not to mention the intense romantic elements. I love the characters in these books. However, Tamsin and Mason shine in this book. The way that Tamsin matures and comes into her own and Mason's true devotion to her are also engaging elements. Mason is a good and loyal man, yet he is also a vicious criminal, but he is characterized in a way that makes that not such a bad thing. Read this book, but you should read the six before it first. You will see how the Legacy has impacted each member of the family. Also, the characters are phenomenal and you need to see how they develop and evolve through each book to understand the true Denton legacy.

What a way to end the series!
Written by Reensburger on 26th Apr 2024

I've been a fan of Sam's for a long time now, but wow! This book was everything you could have wanted and more. For those who have read the previous Denton books you all know how emotional they are and how much has gone on between the family. Tamsin's story was so well told and I love how slowly her and Mason fell in love. Such a good book.

Mason and Tamsin
Written by Chesirern on 26th Apr 2024

Blackmailing the Denton Girl by Sam Crescent is book 7 in The Denton Family Legacy Series and it is a mafia romance. What a roller coaster of a book in more ways than one. If you have been reading the series then this is the book you have been waiting for. Tamsin has been hiding for years but in your heart you know she will be found and guess what, Mason caught up. At the same time he can protect her and also has plans to save all of them. This book was a great wrap up to the series. There was a lot of action, suspense and spicy romance. Definitely check out this series. Great job!

Price of Peace
Written by ObsessiveReader on 26th Apr 2024

The price of peace between the Denton family and the Savonas family is Tamsin Denton. Mason is protecting Tamsin while plotting his father's downfall but it is taking too long and things are coming to a head. Tamsin hasn't had the option of being an innocent, naive girl. She was sold off as a bride to the Savonas and she is bitter about it and not ready to forgive her brothers for not standing up to him. She may be young but she is strong and ready to do what needs to be done to save Mason and her brothers. Mason may be mafia, but he loves Tamsin and his goal is to keep her safe. He is a good match for Tamsin.

an amazing read
Written by tracyann on 26th Apr 2024

Tamsin Denton flees from her family to hide from the Savonases family. But Mason Savonase finds her. He promises to protect her from his father so she Marrys him. She can't run for ever. she still has not forgiven her brothers from not protecting her. For 2 years Mason and Tamsin hardly spend time together then everything changes it's an amazing read

Marriage for safety
Written by Eve S. on 26th Apr 2024

Tamsin Denton is finally caught after hiding from The Savonases for so long she is terrified. Mason wasn’t nothing more than the destruction of his sadistic father. He offers Tamsin marriage for power to u it’s their families and bring an end to mutual dilemmas. She feels betrayed and alienated from her family and accepts Mason’s proposal. For a time everything is smooth and easy than feelings start to develop. Storyline moves quickly and there are a few surprises. Book ends in an HEA.

So Good!!
Written by Amy J on 26th Apr 2024

Loved reading Blackmailing the Denton Girl. This book was so good it had me hooked with chapter one. Tamsin and Mason’s story was beautifully done!!

Worth the wait
Written by Firecracker on 26th Apr 2024

It was fun entering the Denton world again. You will not be disappointed. So worth the wait! This is a must read

What a Great Story!
Written by Chris S on 26th Apr 2024

They say, "Good things come to those that wait", well they really do. Tamsin's story was so well written. She fled her family because of decisions her father made. Now because of those decisions she must now marry Mason Savonas which will also protect her from his father. I don't want to give anything away but their relationship development was so natural. Tamsin is such a strong woman and Mason is the man she deserves. Sam did such a wonderful job on this book.

Dark heroes, innocent heroines and gritty story lines!
Written by Laura S. on 26th Apr 2024

Dark heroes, innocent heroines and gritty story lines! In Sam Crescent's alternate world, men are dark, but honorable, and the heroines are the angels bringing light to the dark, but are not easily won over! In this case, Mason is a bit older than Tamsin, however, he marries her to build an alliance between their families and to help protect her from his father. I like that he doesn't force their relationship and gives her time get to know him and the situation they are all in. I think this is an example that good things come to those that wait! Enjoy the story!

Great Story
Written by Jilllovesbooks on 26th Apr 2024

The premise of this book was great! I could of lived without the crazy father. I understand it was a storyline that needed to be in there but he just pissed me off more than anything. I loved the story of Tamsin and Mason. The respect he showed to her was very heartwarming.

It’s been a while.
Written by Mary S on 26th Apr 2024

It’s been a while that I have read the Denton series. And now I’m glad that we have come back to them and now it’s Tamsin story, and let me just say that it was sad seeing how one legendary family came to be so apart from one another even with all that, love how Tamsin and Mason came to love one another and let’s say that it was not easy for this two they definitely have it hard from the start. I really love coming back to the Denton. Love the reunion and the love they still hold for one another.

Great story
Written by PHOENIX96 on 26th Apr 2024

Tasmin had kept herself hidden after her fathers actions led to her brothers greatest sacrifice, but when Mason comes along knowing her secrets, he blackmail her into a marriage to get what he wants against his own father but now 2 years on his father has plans that he and his brothers must stop only none of them can pull the trigger. Well written steamy desires, fake to real, long awaited addition to the series.

Great story
Written by RhondaVB on 26th Apr 2024

This was so good. It may be short but the story is full of emotions. Tasmin just wants to be left alone but her father made some bad choices and now she has to marry Mason to keep the peace! At first, I was skeptical about Mason but the more I read, the more I liked him. His father was another story though. This story covers several years but don't let that distract you. Mason does his best to protect Tasmin from his father but when it comes down to it, something or someone needs to take the father out.........and it can't be Mason or any of his brothers. Who will take him out? Well, you need to read it to find out!

Doing what is right
Written by Bookbunny on 26th Apr 2024

Tamsin wants nothing to do with her family. They have done nothing to protect her. If it wasn’t for Landon, she would have suffered a worse fate. But she has to keep his secret. Striking a deal with Mason Savonas is the only option to protect her from his sick father. These two had a very cordial relationship. I actually liked Mason from the start. He never pushed or was mean to Tam. His father is one creepy man. I have to say, I did not read the other books in the series so now I really need to go back. There is a lot of missing information about Tamsin’s past as well as the relationship with her siblings. I need to read about each one and find out what happened to lead up to this point. I give a kudos to Tam. She is tough. These two never fight, always united. Granted it took them two yrs to realize that they are a perfect pair. The legacy continues. Mason is a man who wants to build an empire but not on the backs of others. I enjoyed this story. And you got a happy surprise at the end for Tam. I guess the next is Gabriel.

Written by Jordan F on 26th Apr 2024

Blackmailing the Denton Girl is book seven of the Denton Family Legacy. I have been waiting for this book for a few years and the wait was so worth it. Tamsin was taking no $hit from anyone. I loved that about her. She just wanted to be free to have a peaceful life, but because of who she was, she couldn't. I truly felt bad for her circumstances. Mason was everything! He was perfect! Completely understanding and patient. He wanted to protect Tamsin and give her the best life he could. Their relationship developed beautifully. I really felt the love and caring come off the page. This was a great addition to the series!

Enjoyed It
Written by Dawn R on 26th Apr 2024

This was a good read. It is darker so you may want to check trigger warnings before you dive in. I liked the age gap and the BBW Heroine. The storyline pulled me right in and kept me interested right to the end.

Written by Anotherdayinparadise on 26th Apr 2024

This is my first book in this series and I must go back and read the others. Mason and Tasman are caught between a rock and a hard place and the only way out is to marry. The book was dark, yet warm. As they struggle in their relationship, they must also prevent a war in which Mason could become a causality. I good quick read with lots of depth.

So good
Written by Deanna S on 26th Apr 2024

So good. I loved that it wasn't a insta and that it was drawn out to the end. This was a great read.

Tamsin and Mason
Written by Michelle E on 26th Apr 2024

Tamsin tries to escape her family by going by Tana. Her father is powerful, but he mismanaged money. She is caught, and Mason presents her with an opportunity to bridge the two families. Mason's family will supply the funds, and the Denton name (Tamsin's family name) will provide respect and fear to Mason as he becomes a part of her family. Mason blackmails her with harming her brother and disclosing he is alive. She agrees to marry him in name only, and the first two years they don't consummate their marriage. When in public, they pretend to be a happy couple, but behind closed doors, they live their separate lives. Mason's father is a threat to Tamsin, and Mason can't kill him; things escalate to provide a romantic suspense vibe, and it draws Mason and Tamsin together. Overall, I enjoyed the story, plot, suspense, and steamy scenes.

Brilliant series
Written by MrsKissmas on 10th Apr 2024

The Denton Family Legacy -Book 7 - Blackmailing The Denton Girl - Sam Crescent This book has been long waited for, but it was definitely worth it. Tamsin Denton ran away from her powerful family, The Dentons after her father took some actions that lead to his ultimate demise but his actions left a profound affect on every member of the family.  Tamsin started a new life as Tanya Davis and at the age of 19 she thought she had escaped. Escaped her family, the lifestyle and the vile Paul savonas who clearly wanted her for himself even when she was just but a young girl. Mason Savonas has been tracking Tamsin, he knows he can protect her from his father's filthy touch, and he knows with help he can overthrow his father and take his power away, but for it all to work he has to convince Tamsin she will be safe with him instead. I liked that Tamsin was protected by Mason and her young age was respected, with Mason being 30 he showed her a life she never thought she would enjoy it was so well written, the chemistry between them was slow burning to begin with due to all the outside factors but once it hit boiling point, wow! I enjoyed meeting Connor and Reese Savonas and Hope that they find a happily ever after I think they have been overlooked for too long. I loved seeing Jacob, Abel, Oliver, Gideon, Damon, Gabriel again and would of liked a little more of them, I hope that soon they will learn that Landon is out there and the family can be complete once again. It was a really great read, that is a great addition to a really enjoyable series. I can't wait to see who we read about and what direction the series takes next! Happy Reading! 5 out of 5 stars. Please note that I was given an arc of this book for my honest review which is exactly what I have given.

5 Stars
Written by MrsKissmas on 9th Apr 2024

The Denton Family Legacy -Book 7 - Blackmailing The Denton Girl - Sam Crescent This book has been long waited for, but it was definitely worth it. Tamsin Denton ran away from her powerful family, The Dentons after her father took some actions that lead to his ultimate demise but his actions left a profound affect on every member of the family. Tamsin started a new life as Tanya Davis and at the age of 19 she thought she had escaped. Escaped her family, the lifestyle and the vile Paul savonas who clearly wanted her for himself even when she was just but a young girl. Mason Savonas has been tracking Tamsin, he knows he can protect her from his father's filthy touch, and he knows with help he can overthrow his father and take his power away, but for it all to work he has to convince Tamsin she will be safe with him instead. I liked that Tamsin was protected by Mason and her young age was respected, with Mason being 30 he showed her a life she never thought she would enjoy it was so well written, the chemistry between them was slow burning to begin with due to all the outside factors but once it hit boiling point, wow! I enjoyed meeting Connor and Reese Savonas and Hope that they find a happily ever after I think they have been overlooked for too long. I loved seeing Jacob, Abel, Oliver, Gideon, Damon, Gabriel again and would of liked a little more of them, I hope that soon they will learn that Landon is out there and the family can be complete once again. It was a really great read, that is a great addition to a really enjoyable series. I can't wait to see who we read about and what direction the series takes next! Happy Reading! 5 out of 5 stars.