5 stars
Micah has denied who he is for most of his life. But when his body begins fighting him will he heed the signs? White Tiger Mate is sixth in Keely Jakes Team Paladin series. I enjoyed Micah and Zach. Zach has lived as a tiger since Micah rejected him. Now that Micah is back can he forgive and trust? I loved finding out. Ms. Jakes didn’t make it as easy it first appeared. Zach has been hurt and seeing his mate reminds him or his pain. I love that Ms. Jakes made their re-acquaintance somewhat easy. The body was quick to accept even as the emotions took time. While this story can be read as a standalone, I enjoyed seeing the team again. I loved seeing the support they provide. I loved seeing the growth between Zach and Micah. I thoroughly enjoyed this story by Ms. Jakes and look forward to more in the future.