Wolf in the Night by N.J. Walters

Heat Level 3
SKU 978-0-3695-0627-6

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Salvation Pack: The Next Generation, 5

Driving home from a trip, Emma Matheson is run off the road in an abduction attempt. Seems the alpha of her father’s former pack never forgave his defection. To settle the old score, he plans to force her to mate with a male of his choosing—his son, Dmitri.

Dmitri Gribkov wants no part of his father’s revenge. A loner by choice, nothing has prepared him for sexy, stubborn Emma. He’ll do whatever it takes to protect her—even if it means losing her.

Determined to control her destiny, she does her best to escape, even as the attraction between her and Dmitri sizzles. Doesn’t take long for her to realize this huge, sexy wolf is a protector at heart.

Tracking and killing are what he does best. Before this is over, he’ll have blood on his hands, but winning her love will be the hardest battle.



The first howl had the fine hair on the back of her neck standing on end. The second one knotted her stomach. These men weren’t human. They were wolves, like her.

Running would do her no good. They’d chase her down like prey. Probably enjoy every minute of it. Putting her back to the thick trunk of an oak tree, she took a deep breath and tried to calm her ragged breathing. “What do you want?” If she could figure that out, maybe she could brazen her way out of this. If not, maybe she could figure out a way around them. She’d have to steal their vehicle, since hers wasn’t going anywhere without the help of a tow truck.

“What do I want?” The voice came from off to her right. “I figured the answer was pretty clear. I want you.” His eyes flashed as he stepped into view. It was a clear night, the moon bright. Even without that, her preternatural vision would have allowed her to see him.

“I don’t know you.” Her heart was beating a mile a minute, thumping so hard her chest hurt. Or maybe that was her ribs trying to mend.

“But we know you.” Three more imposing men, big and silent, appeared behind him.

“You ran me off the road? You could have killed me. Are you out of your damn mind?” Fury was beginning to override caution and fear.

His growl vibrated in the still night. “Watch yourself, girl. He wants you alive, but it’s a long journey home. You’d heal from a beating before we get there.”

A cold shiver raced down her spine. Who were these people?

“Besides, I was careful. I hit the back of your truck. Not the front. We followed you from your motel. We’d planned to take you from there, but you skipped out.”

She didn’t know what would have been worse, having them grab her there or what she was dealing with now. Back at the motel, there would have been people and possible help. Here she was totally alone.

She could fight. Her father had made damn sure she was trained and could defend herself. Against one wolf, she’d have a chance. If these men were human, she’d lose them in the woods. But four male wolves? She was screwed.

“Passed you when you stopped in at the gas station. Took us a while to find the perfect place to ambush you.”

This wasn’t a whim. This had been planned all the way. “Why? I don’t know you. I’m no one special.” None of this made any sense.

“Oh, that’s where you’re wrong.” The brown-haired male, the one who seemed to be their leader, took a step toward her. “You’re Mikhail Matheson’s daughter.”

“That’s right.” Pride had her chin tilting up. She refused to be cowed by the likes of him. “Who wants me? Who sent you?”

The smile was cruel. “Gregor Gribkov, his former alpha.”


Dmitri Gribkov scanned both sides of the road as he drove. His foot pushed down on the gas pedal. The speedometer inched up to eighty. The powerful truck surged forward. He could go faster but didn’t want to risk missing his target.

“Where the fuck are they?” He’d tracked Ivan Volkov and his crew all the way to the North Carolina border. It had taken almost twenty-four hours for word to reach him that they’d gone on this crazy mission for their alpha. That gave them a full day’s head start, but he’d only been one step behind them the entire way.

His wolf growled, ready to track and hunt. He’d thought he understood the depths of his father’s hatred. Obviously, he’d been mistaken.

This latest stunt was a desperate one. Not to mention dangerous. Before he could continue that line of thought, he caught a glimpse of mangled metal just off the road. Another truck was parked further up on the shoulder. He pulled in around it. The front fender was damaged. “Fuck!” They’d deliberately forced the other vehicle off the road.

Before his truck had finished rocking to a stop, he was out and running, a sense of urgency propelling him forward. He cleared the distance to the wreck in a single leap. The metallic scent of metal and blood filled his nostrils, along with another he knew well. “Ivan,” he muttered. The chase was over. He’d found them.

A hint of light floral tickled his senses. Not perfume. Not strong enough. Maybe soap. It reminded him of summer. The sight of an upended purse made his stomach clench.

He slipped off his clothes and embraced his wolf. Fur pushed out from beneath his skin as his limbs contracted and reformed. His head flattened. His jaw elongated, teeth becoming sharp fangs. On silent, claw-tipped paws, he loped forward and began to track his prey. It wasn’t difficult. They weren’t trying to hide.

Voices pinpointed the location. Keeping downwind, he eased closer.

A woman stood with her back to a tree. She was about five ten, her build lean. Blood stained her forehead. Her T-shirt had a tear near the neck. It and her jeans were covered in a pale dust, likely from the airbag. Ivan and his crew—Boris, Luka, and Pavel—spread around her, blocking any escape.

He knew who she was, who she had to be—Emmaline Mikhala Matheson. The woman his father, the alpha of the Sitka Pack, was obsessed with.

He clamped his jaw tight to keep from growling. As he’d done his entire life, he channeled his fury, using it to center him.

“What does my father have to do with this?” Her voice washed over him, ruffling his fur like a physical caress. It was husky with the slightest of trembles. His wolf chuffed, interest piqued.

She might be outnumbered, but there was nothing subservient or reticent about this female. Her green eyes glittered with anger. He raised his nose into the air and caught the stench of sweat and fear on the breeze. She might be afraid, but she wasn’t backing down.

Everything inside stilled. His wolf stretched toward her, yearning to be nearer. He yanked the beast back under control. Usually, they were in total accord when they hunted, the two of them seamlessly working as one deadly killing machine.

This woman was trouble.


Product Reviews

Score: 5 out of 5 (based on 43 ratings)
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A final visit to Salvation…
Written by Diane R on 31st Oct 2023

And what a series ender it was! Emma and Dmitri were sparks on sparks as they came together to finally put to rest their families blurred history. Dmitri saved her but Emma was not that trusting. Fresh from a kidnapping attempt, her trust-o-meter was at an all-time low so he had to do some fancy footwork and fast-talking to convince her he was her best option of staying alive. If that isn’t a great way to start a relationship, I don’t know what would be… This was a romance on the run, steeped in family drama and suspense, but also one that broke down any and all facades to get right to the heart of the matter. There was trust or there wasn’t and actions spoke loud and clear. There was no time for flowery words yet their feelings and crazy-fast building of a relationship felt intimate and oh so real… I don’t want this series to end but, if it has to, this was the perfect ending. I will file this book away but keep it and all the others close at hand. There will be many re-reads in the future…

Another great addition to this series
Written by Wendy K on 30th Nov 2022

Since the arcs for Wolf Meets His Fate and Wolf In the Night appeared shortly after one another on Netgalley, I was able to read them directly back to back. So, for me, it was very nice to stay in NJ Walter’s wolf world. The characters became more clear for me and it pulled me deeper into the pack relations. my heart broke for Dimitri and the suspense was killing me. In all, yet another great addition to this series. Five out of five stars from me and a special thank you to Netgalley for providing the arc.

Dmitry & Emma
Written by Nate on 3rd Aug 2022

I enjoyed Dmitry & Emma’s book. Great chemistry. It was an entertaining read. I got a copy of the book. And am voluntarily leaving my review.

Wolf in the night.
Written by Loubie73 on 3rd Aug 2022

Honestly?! I don’t think there are enough stars to give this book. It’s so bloody good. Everything from the way it’s written, though I admit I love everything N J Walters writes, to the story which is brilliant, it’s hot and steamy in the best possible way. Dmitri is an amazing shifter and he definitely proves how much he loves Emma. They go through hell because of Dmitri’s obsessive father. A brilliant book, definitely recommend.

Wolf In The Night!
Written by Mary on 3rd Aug 2022

I loved every bit of this story and the characters. It is the fifth in the series but I have not read the previous ones. It can be read as a stand alone read but I plan to go get the other four. This one is about Emma and Dmitri. She was away from her pack looking for some fun which did not happen. She is driving back when she is run off the road. His father is bent on revenge against her father. His plan is to abduct Emma and force a mating between her and his son. Dmitri wants no part of his and is out to save her. What neither Emma or Dmitri are expecting is the instant attraction and their wolves coming to attention. MINE! Dmitri is a born enforcer and has no problem killing but would prefer not to but when it comes to protect Emma he will destroy anyone that tries to hurt her. He is a bit scary with the abilities he has. Which is definitely what she needs. I love every bit of this story. It is fast paced with action, danger, suspense, death, passion and love. These two are fated mates but are so perfect for each other. She is his light to his darkness.

Dimitri and Emma
Written by Babs on 3rd Aug 2022

The fifth book in the Salvation Pack: The Next Generation series. Dimitri and Emma do not get off to a great start, but he has come to be her protector. I enjoyed seeing their story come together. The story is well written with a very good storyline that kept me turning pages. I received a free copy of this book via Evernight and am voluntarily leaving a review.

Written by CatLady on 3rd Aug 2022

I was so entertained from the first page of this book! I enjoyed the characters and the chemistry between them. I haven’t read every book in this series but I have read several of them which does add to the enjoyment of the story. But this can be read as a stand alone book and still be just as entertained. While I think this was a great werewolf book there wasn’t anything unexpected that happened. I would still recommend this book!

Written by N Parker on 3rd Aug 2022

Absolutely loved this book. Emma is on a trip for the pack delivering some custom made furniture. On her way home she is run off the road and attacked by wolves from another pack. During the attack she is helped by a wolf, Dmitri. Turns out that her father's old Alpha was still holding a grudge against her father and had decided to kidnap Emma. Dmitri is his son but didn't agree with the way his father ran the pack and definitely was not happy about the attempted kidnapping. Dmitri decided to protect Emma and eventually took her back to her pack for her protection. This is a beautifully written story and it kept me on the edge of my seat. I did not want to put it down. Well worth reading and if you haven't read any of the other Salvation Pack books this will encourage you to do so.

Great read
Written by Jean Smith on 3rd Aug 2022

I remember reading all the Salvation Pack series. It was nice being reminded of their stories as I read about Dimitri and Emma. Of course, I've also noted that I've missed the first four in this new series, which means I need to go back and read them. I've always loved NJ Walter's books and Wolf in the Night is no exception. There is plenty of action, a pulse-pounding threat to keep you turning the page, and last but not least, HEAT.

Fab finale
Written by LBing on 3rd Aug 2022

This was a well written and well paced finale. I really liked how strong these characters were and how perfect they were for each other. They really did bolster each other up to deal with everything going on. You can expect plenty of action and drama to go with their smoking hot chemistry when you dive into this entertaining read. It was a page turner for me and I'm looking forward to what's next by this author :D

Written by Laura S. on 3rd Aug 2022

Dmitri was a lone wolf by choice; not wanting anything to do with his tyrant of a father and hateful pack. As luck would have it, as he is leaving, he overhears the alpha (his father) give orders to kidnap a rival's daughter. As Dmitri races to rescue her from his pack's enforcers clutches, who would have known that he would meet his mate! Even though he says he doesn't want a mate, Emma and her family and pack slowly change his mind; but first, he needs to make sure Emma is safe from his father and old pack. This is a good action packed romance that continues the Salvation Pack saga, which were also great stories! I'm sure you'll enjoy this one as well.

The last of the next generation gets her man.
Written by Kindle Distracted on 3rd Aug 2022

Chaffing at her well protected existence in the Salvation Pack, Emma takes a solo delivery job, hoping to score her first night with a sexy male. Not finding anyone she wants, she heads for home in the night. Only she doesn't make it. Dimitri has been alone within his pack most of his life. With the recent death of his mother and his father's insane plans for revenge, he leaves his pack to stop the kidnapping of his father's nemesis's daughter. On the run they discover truths about themselves and each other that pave the way for a wonderful future together .... once Dimitri's father is dealt with. This is an intense, surprisingly romantic story. I enjoyed the way the SP helped Dimitri accept himself, his awesome skills, and his commitment to Emma. Emma, for her part, was a perfect blend of gentle yet tough, when it counted. It was lovely to see the original Salvation Pack Alphas so content after all the trials they had had to endure to create their made family. Great read.

Must read
Written by Desiree on 1st Aug 2022

who doesn't love a wolf. What was what had me hooked and ready to read this book. Oh yeah. It had it all and I was loving it all. Must read.

4 stars
Written by Celeste on 26th Jul 2022

Let me start by saying this is a good book in a really good series. The characters are well written, the story moves at times a little slow but not enough to make me yawn. My only reservation is it reads very very very similar to so many other stories out there. So as much as I like this author I felt there was no challenge in making this an original.

5 stars
Written by Nicci on 18th Jul 2022

This was my first NJ Walters book but I can now see me reading the other books of the Salvation pack for I really enjoyed it! The story is to the point and not bogged down in lots of background waffle. The characters are likeable, the romance is addictive, and the plot moves quickly. It was a good length - not too short and not too long - and it was pretty hard to put down! All in all, a win for those who want something to escape into for an evening and love to read shifter romance

4 stars
Written by Bonita on 13th Jul 2022

Shifters - true mates - pack politics - revenge - it's all here and so much fun! A really nice mix of adventure, emotion, romance, and a strong storyline that draws you in. Excellent as stand-alone or if you've read earlier books in this or the Salvation Pack series - This is what fun reading is all about!

4 stars
Written by Carrie on 13th Jul 2022

As the last book in this series, I was happy with where things ended up. While you can certainly dive in with this as your first book from this world, it is much more satisfying to go back to the beginning and work your way here. Emma is the rather sheltered daughter of some immensely powerful wolf shifters. After begging for a night delivery job that would give her some freedom to perhaps meet a nice guy and hook up, she ends up in the worst-case scenario – hunted by other shifters. Her pack is not without its enemies, and she is the unfortunate easy target they zero in on. Dmitri is the alpha’s son of the pack chasing Emma down. Determined to stop his father’s plans, he rescues Emma, and the sparks immediately start to fly. Ironically, they end up in lust with one another which sort-of works to Dmitri’s father’s benefit. Have no fears, though, because we get the help of Emma’s awesome pack. There are tons of familiar faces and pie to fill the pages. The balance of romance, family, smut, and action was perfection. This was the perfect way to end this series (for now?).

5 stars
Written by Sissy Hicks on 7th Jul 2022

Wolf in the Night by N.J. Walters is book 5 in the Salvation Pack: The Next Generation Series. This is the story of Dmitri Gribkov and Emma Matheson. Emma is the younger very protected sister of the Salvation pack Alpha. Emma hasn't mated yet and breaks away to go on a trip to find herself of sorts. But on her way home she is driven off the rode by their families enemy. Dmitri's father has it in his head to kidnap the young women and have them force to mate. Dmitri tries to intervene to stop his father but finds that he is very drawn to Emma. I am a huge fan of this author so I do recommend her writing and this book.

5 stars
Written by Mary Kirkland on 7th Jul 2022

Dmitri and Emma meet right after she is driven off the road by another car. The men who get out of the car are from her father's old pack and their alpha has sent them to kidnap her and bring her back so she can mate with his son, Dmitri. But Dmitri doesn't want this and has been tracking these wolf shifters to stop whatever his father sent them to do. He doesn't even realize that Emma is also a wolf shifter right away but he knows he has to save her and stop the men. Dmitri gets Emma into his truck and takes off while the other wolves are in hot pursuit but they get a bit of a head start. Emma isn't sure if she can trust him and when he tells her who he is, she's even less likely to trust him. She tries to flee when the timing is right but he's able to catch her and bring her back fairly easy. it takes a while before Emma starts to believe that he's trying to save her and not bring her back to his father. Emma convinces Dmitri to let her call her father and the alpha of her pack and they tell her and Dmitri that they should head there to them. But Dmitri isn't sure it's a good idea, not knowing if they can win in a fight against his father and the pack of guys he has. Plus he's not sure her pack will trust him enough to give him a chance and he's not leaving Emma now that he knows she's his mate. The pull and the attraction between them is off the charts and he's not giving her up without a fight. Her father and the alpha are skeptical of him at first but he proves to them that he's who he says he is and cares about Emma. There's a huge fight when Dmitri's father thinks he can overpower not only his son but Emma's pack. I had a great time with this book. Disclosure: I was given a free e-ARC of this book via NetGalley but all thoughts and opinions are my own.

5 stars
Written by Sissy Hicks on 7th Jul 2022

Wolf in the Night by N.J. Walters is book 5 in the Salvation Pack: The Next Generation Series. This is the story of Dmitri Gribkov and Emma Matheson. Emma is the younger very protected sister of the Salvation pack Alpha. Emma hasn't mated yet and breaks away to go on a trip to find herself of sorts. But on her way home she is driven off the rode by their families enemy. Dmitri's father has it in his head to kidnap the young women and have them force to mate. Dmitri tries to intervene to stop his father but finds that he is very drawn to Emma. I am a huge fan of this author so I do recommend her writing and this book.

5 stars
Written by Joyce on 1st Jul 2022

This is an awesome fast paced easy read that is entertaining, a page turner, action packed, romantic, steamy with an awesome hero and heroine. Emma’s former alpha wants revenge after her father defected by for forcing Emma to mate with his son Dmitri. Dmitri wants no part of his father’s plan. Emma is on her way home when is run off the road by her father’s previous alpha. Dmitri and Emma are wolf shifters. Dmitri is not about to fall prey to father’s plans. Somehow Dmitri and Emma had no intention of falling for each other but it happened. Dmitri will protect Emma and what ever it takes to keep her safe. Dmitri wasn’t looking for a mate but what he finds it in Emma the perfect pampered princess. Emma and Dmitri are awesome together with great chemistry. I received an ARC via NetGalley and I leaving my review voluntarily.

4 stars
Written by Jessica on 1st Jul 2022

'This was my first read from N.J. Walters and it's safe to say I am now going to be scrambling to read the rest of her books! I love a good shifter story, and Walters absolutely smashed it with this one. Incredibly chemistry between the love interests, with the perfect balance of angsty tension and sweet and tender moments tossed in too. The plot was well paced and packed full of enough action and drama to keep the reader desperate to read just one more chapter.

5 stars
Written by Regina on 27th Jun 2022

Great read! Love these werewolves. When Emma is attacked by a group of werewolves set to take her back to their alpha. She’s rescued by a handsome were, little does she know it’s the son of her fathers enemy, and also the man the group were taking her back to marry. Read their story, you won’t want to put it down. I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley. The opinions expressed in this review are completely my own

5 stars
Written by Dar on 21st Jun 2022

: Emma gets her mate! It seemed it would take a strong wolf, considering the men in her life, and the sheer size and power of them. Luckily for her, the perfect wolf happened to be looking for her, not for mating, but for protecting her. Theirs starts off bumpy, but as they grow closer, they stand up to all the barriers keeping them apart. Alone or together, they are a force to be reckoned with, and we even get to see the power that mama Elise holds as well! The last chapter was bittersweet, saying goodbye with the original five, but this pack will live on and prosper, you just know it, in Salvation <3

4 stars
Written by Renee on 21st Jun 2022

A bittersweet ending to the Salvation Pack next generation and also the original members. We see a lot more of Jacques in this book than we have for a while. Obviously, our crew doesn't know what to make of Dimitri and his place in Emma's life. I liked the epilogue a lot with our original 5 discussing how things might change someday and being thankful for where they have come to be.

4 stars
Written by Angela on 21st Jun 2022

I like how Dimitri was able to follow his own sense of honour, despite what was forced on him or what others wanted him to become. He stood up for what was right, and didn't abide by those who thought bullying or betrayal of those smaller was appropriate. Finding family and acceptance is more than he thought he could ever hope for.

5 stars
Written by Love Leigh Books on 21st Jun 2022

•Finding Home• I wish I could give this more stars, because I loved everything about it. The story is told in such an incredibly well articulated way, I was hooked from the first page. The dynamic and chemistry between Dmitri and Emma was one that reels you in with both being such strong characters with bold personalities. Dmitri in particular was a great character to read about as he had many layers to him and as the book goes on you see him go through different stages of learning about himself. This has me so excited to read more in this series so I can read about the other members in the Salvation pack.

5 stars
Written by Sandy on 18th Jun 2022

Emma Matheson is on her way home when she is forced off the road and on the run. The alpha of her father's previous pack has a vendetta, and he plans to use her to get his revenge. His plan? To force her to mate with his son. Dmitri Gribkov has no intention of doing what his father wants. He chose to be a loner in his father's pack, and he has no intention of doing anything his father wants. But he didn't plan on Emma, nor how attracted he would be to her. But he will do whatever he has to in order to protect her, even if that means his own death. The chemistry between them is off the charts, but they both have to decide if they want what they could have together-or do they walk away from it? I'm sad that this is the last book in this offshoot series! I always get sucked into series books, and this series was no different! Emma is super sweet but she can also be tough when she needs to be. Her family has doted on her because she is the baby, but she isn't spoiled rotten. And her family made sure she was trained to protect herself even though they never thought she would need to know that. I loved her. I loved the fact that even though she is the baby, she kept the sweetness and light and didn't turn into a spoiled brat. Dmitri, boy this man. I felt so bad for the things he has been through. He is such a strong man but he still has this heart of gold, and you just know that is because of his Mom! I would love to see him truly make some kind of peace with his former pack, or at least the former best friend. The chemistry between these two is hotttt! And I loved how their story played out. But honestly, they both needed each other. They complimented each other in ways that you really don't see coming but it's beautiful! Like I said, I am sad it is ending but maybe we can have another off shoot with his former pack becoming what they should have been to begin with!

5 stars
Written by Dar on 18th Jun 2022

Emma gets her mate! It seemed it would take a strong wolf, considering the men in her life, and the sheer size and power of them. Luckily for her, the perfect wolf happened to be looking for her, not for mating, but for protecting her. Theirs starts off bumpy, but as they grow closer, they stand up to all the barriers keeping them apart. Alone or together, they are a force to be reckoned with, and we even get to see the power that mama Elise holds as well! The last chapter was bittersweet, saying goodbye with the original five, but this pack will live on and prosper, you just know it, in Salvation <3

5 stars
Written by Cindy on 18th Jun 2022

I am so glad that I discovered this author. This is a spinoff of the original Salvation series which I have not read yet, but this spin off features the children of the first series. Salvation's alpha's baby sister Emma is nearly kidnapped by the vengeful alpha of their previous pack. Dmitri wants no parts of his father's revenge and rescues Emma. He feels a strong connection with Emma but fights it because his priority is to keep her safe. Emma does what she can to try and get back to the safety of her pack but also feels a connection to Dmitri and sees him as a protector. I loved this story, some steam but lots of action. Dmitri is extremely strong and could be an alpha of his own pack and Emma is the over protected sister of the alpha but has her own strength. A strong paranormal romance with plenty of steam and action. Highly recommend.

4 stars
Written by Stephanie on 18th Jun 2022

Emma is the much-younger sister of the Salvation pack Alpha. She is definitely the baby of the family and one of the last unmated wolf of her generation within the pack. She went on a solo trip to figure somethings out and hopefully dispose of her virginity - but found a whole lot of nothing. When she heads back early - an old enemy of her father tried to run her car off the road and kidnap her. His plans? To force her to mate with his son. The son in question, Dmitri, wants nothing to do with his father's plans. But he tries to stop them and save Emma anyway. What he didn't count on was his strong attraction to Emma. While this isn't an insta-love situation - it might as well be. It is definitely a fated-mate type of book. It definitely works - and Dmitri and Emma are really too sweet together (and sexy - but a lot sweet). I appreciated how much care Dmitri gave to Emma even when he didn't really want to. I'd give this book a very strong 3.5 stars. For me - Emma came across as very young. She's 25 and definitely the baby of the family - but she felt more like 18. Overall -I recommend this book and this second generation series of the Salvation pack. I received this as an ARC via NetGalley, but these opinions are all my own.

5 stars
Written by Sam K on 18th Jun 2022

Emma and Dmitri What a great story to end the series on, even if I didn't want to see this series comes to an end! Dmitri is alpha and protective and just what Emma needs. Their chemistry is hot and steamy, and they come to rely on each other as the odds stack up. Tons of action and suspense to keep you invested in the story and make this romance adventure well-rounded. This book can be read as a standalone, but the entire series is so good that it's worth it to read them all. Looking forward to the book series N.J. Walters is going to come up with next! Well done and highly recommended! I received an advanced review copy of this book from Evernight Publishing via Netgalley and I am voluntarily leaving an honest review.

4 stars
Written by Gloria on 18th Jun 2022

If you like shifter stories then you gotta read this. Action packed danger right from the start. Revenge, danger and steamy romance. Great read.

5 stars
Written by Karen Fisher on 10th Jun 2022

What a riveting read this was. Putting it down just wasn't an option. Emma and Dimitri's story has so many twists. Filled with old enemies and twisted desires it's an intense read. I loved how strong the women were and how the men deferred to them.

5 stars
Written by Dar on 10th Jun 2022

Emma gets her mate! It seemed it would take a strong wolf, considering the men in her life, and the sheer size and power of them. Luckily for her, the perfect wolf happened to be looking for her, not for mating, but for protecting her. Theirs starts off bumpy, but as they grow closer, they stand up to all the barriers keeping them apart. Alone or together, they are a force to be reckoned with, and we even get to see the power that mama Elise holds as well! The last chapter was bittersweet, saying goodbye with the original five, but this pack will live on and prosper, you just know it, in Salvation <3

5 stars
Written by Linda on 10th Jun 2022

LOVED this book! The characters are engaging and made me feel invested in their story - especially Dmitri, who's whole life has been nothing but sorrow and bad decisions. When he learns that Emma is at risk, he does what he can to protect her from his pack mates, even though do so puts him directly at odds with them. Despite all this, he is drawn to Emma, and she to him. This is an entertaining story that fans of the genre will love. while part of a series, this is a stand alone novel, however, its so good that you really owe to yourself to read them all. Sadly, this is the final book in the series. I'm going to miss the wolves of Salvation Pack, but look forward to seeing what the author creates next. Put this one at the top of your TBR list.

5 stars
Written by Amber on 10th Jun 2022

What did I just read?! My heart is still pounding, and I am in awe! Wolf in the Night is absolutely riveting and undoubtedly enthralling with its non-stop, imminent danger and unexpectedly, sizzling heat. Once you walk into this wildly untamed world, you can never go back. This world and its magnificent characters will dig their claws into your very soul until you become a part of it. Nothing will ever be as decadent or fulfilling as what is offered before you. Dimitri has learned to survive throughout his life. He knows nothing of love or hope as his interactions with them have been brief and fleeting. Honor and compassion drive him to make one impulsive move that will change the rest of his life. Emma has lived her life surrounded by love and happiness, so she finds herself in imminent danger, she is left bewildered and scared. Dimitri refuses to allow anyone to be hurt or used as a means to an end, so when he spirits Emma to safety both of their worlds explode into chaos. Can Emma give Dimitri the chance to prove he isn't a threat to her, or will he choose to pass on the love of a lifetime in order to protect her? Dimitri and Emma took me completely by surprise. I wasn't expecting the intensity of their circumstances or the lethal chemistry between them. They made me yearn for more, and I cheered them on every step of the way. Nothing can compare to how their personalities complicated the other. It was so breathtaking, and it made my heart hurt for the true beauty of it all. Stories like this one take my heart and my imagination to a whole new level. I am like a deer in the headlights because I simply can't look away from it. I am still reeling from the wonder and thrill of this marvelous adventure! N.J. Walters has stolen my heart with this latest masterpiece, and I can't wait to see what they create next!

4 stars
Written by El Jindal on 10th Jun 2022

This was a good werewolf romance with lots of action and drama. The salvation pack warmed my heart. They had so much love, so much kindness in their hearts, it made me want to read the entire salvation pack series and the next gen series (which I will do very soon.) I liked the writing style, the plot was easy to follow and loved the characters. But I did feel like the drama was sorted out as soon as it came. Like after the main conflict was resolved, their was a brief moment of tension that just appeared out of nowhere and then just as quickly dissipated. It could have been drawn out into a full incident but the author chose to end it with cheesy comments and that was it. Other than that, the story was definitely worth reading and I am so glad I chose to read this ARC because otherwise I wouldn't have found such an amazing series. ARC provided by netgalley which I voluntarily chose to review

4 stars
Written by d a kenney on 10th Jun 2022

this was an enjoyable installment to read. While things happen quickly the romance doesn't feel too rushed, after all neither are looking for mates (at least not yet). they (and the reader) are given the opportunity to learn about each other a little, particularly the core of who they are and what they believe and even a little something new about themselves. I loved seeing big growly scary Dmitri's inner marshmallow for Emma. I also appreciated that a good portion of this story took place at the Salvation pack's home so we got to see more of the pack and their reaction to little Emma growing up a little more and Dmitri's exposure to a different type of wolf pack. there is plenty happening from the 1st to last chapter but all are well paced and written. this may be my favorite of the next gen books.

5 stars
Written by Jade on 10th Jun 2022

I really enjoyed this book! I loved the main characters and their chemistry. It did feel very Hallmarky - in a sense that their love developed over one day, which I always get a tad hung up on - but I still thought it had a great plot. I loved the different packs, the intensity, and the showing of other couples. I realized this was a series when I picked it up but it sounded good, so I read it anyway. Now I'm going to hurry and get the other books in the series! In the middle of writing this review, I went and looked up the series and realized that she's written so many more and this is actually the "next generation" of another series. Oh my gosh! June is going to be a Wolfish month (heh heh heh).

4 stars
Written by Alissa on 10th Jun 2022

First book by this author and I loved it. I have to say that I really enjoyed this book, I was iffy going into it because it's the fifth book in a spin off series and I haven't read any of the others. I was not lost at all throughout the book, you can tell that their is a deep world that has been built and the beauty of it is that you can just pop in and fully understand without it seeming like your hand is being held. I LOVED Dmitri and Emma was a kick, the struggles with their attraction to each other made me love it even more. I am a sucker for shifter romances done well, and add on top that Dmitri is very much a hidden cinnamon roll hero, it was a charm. I will be going back to read more of this series.

5 stars
Written by Love Leigh Books on 10th Jun 2022

•Finding Home• I wish I could give this more stars, because I loved everything about it. The story is told in such an incredibly well articulated way, I was hooked from the first page. The dynamic and chemistry between Dmitri and Emma was one that reels you in with both being such strong characters with bold personalities. Dmitri in particular was a great character to read about as he had many layers to him and as the book goes on you see him go through different stages of learning about himself. This has me so excited to read more in this series so I can read about the other members in the Salvation pack.

5 stars
Written by Donna on 10th Jun 2022

This is a spin off from the authors Salvation Pack series. Romeo and Juliette have nothing on Emma and Dmitri. Dmitri wants no part of his fathers’ revenge against Emmas’ father. When the two meet Dmitri knows there is nothing his father can say or do to make him hurt her or her family. Through Emma he learns what family is supposed to be. This is a sweet and sassy tale of a young woman determined to be seen and a man determined not to be judged by the actions of his father.