The Virgin Proxy by Georgia Fox

Heat Level 4
SKU 978-1-926950-78-5

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The Conquerors, 2

When the Normans conquered England, Deorwynn lost almost everything, including her family. Only one beloved brother survives.  To rescue him, she must sacrifice her virginity in the enemy’s bed.  She should be well prepared.  After spending fifteen years in a grim convent, punished for every sinful thought, Deorwynn can withstand any torment at the hands of a merciless, Norman warrior.

But nothing, she soon learns, could prepare her for falling in love.

Guy Devaux is delighted with the amorous virgin waiting for him on his wedding night.  There’s only one problem.  The saucy-mouthed wench is not his bride. Oh yes, he knows the veiled woman in his bed is an imposter, but he’ll go along with the game.  For now.  The punishment for her deception will come later.

Just as soon as he conquers this foolish desire, this yearning to hear her say she loves him.

Be Warned: multiple partners, anal play.





“You have been told what to expect?” he mumbled.

She nodded and then, remembering he might not see, murmured a quiet, “Yes.”

He stilled at the foot of the bed, his tall shadow looming over her. “Yes…my lord,” he corrected sharply.

Deorwynn felt one of her scowls coming on, but she banked it. He wouldn’t see it beneath her veil and in the semi-dark, so it was wasted. She was supposed to be that idiot Sybilia, she reminded herself—the woman who was ready to forget her previous lover the first moment she laid eyes on this great hunk of blue-eyed manhood. Had Sybilia been the all-important virgin, she would gladly have tumbled in that bed tonight, but since she was a faithless trollop instead of the pure maiden her new husband demanded, Deorwynn had the dubious pleasure instead. Thus, playing her part, she replied with all sickly sweetness, “Yes, my lord. Whatever you say, my lord.”

He lowered over the bed, a hand on either side of her. And sniffed.

She backed away. “Is something amiss?”

“Thought I scented the faint odor of sarcasm. Surely not. If my lady knows my temper is not to be trifled with.”

“But I—"

Grabbing her ankles, he pulled her under him. “Stop wriggling.”

“Ouch your hands are cold!”

“Your hands are cold, my lord,” he corrected her in a low, dangerous tone.

She repeated the phrase nervously.

He snatched away the pillow she held and tossed it from the bed. “Remove the veil.”

“But I’m shy.”

“It’s very nearly pitch dark in here, woman. What are you afraid of?”

“The unknown,” she murmured wryly. “You, my lord.”

“I’m your husband now.” His hands parted her knees wider, holding them with ease, his strength overpowering her straining attempts to close them again. He ducked between her thighs and she cried out in shock as she felt one strong lick moisten her nether lips. Reaching over her head, she clutched at the nearest bed post as if it might somehow save her.

“This will prepare you,” he informed her, his breath tickling her sex. “I am large and you are small, so you need this.” Again he lapped at her, faster this time, his tongue slipping part way inside her folds at first, then thrusting deeper. She heard a soft grunt of approval. Then he stopped and whispered huskily, “You’re tight as a vise. Don’t clench. Lay back.”

Men like this one had killed her brothers in battle, she reminded herself yet again. They stole away everything her family possessed and…

They apparently had very long tongues that could lick the bark off a tree.

He stopped again. “Are you grinding your teeth?” he demanded.


“I hear them grinding. Be calm. Trust me.”

She snorted. “Trust you? Ha!”

There was a pause. A too long pause. She held her breath. Dear God had she given herself away already?

Suddenly he pressed his open mouth hard to her pussy. His hands scooped under her bottom, jerking her down the bed, tearing her grip from the bed post. Melting into the nest of furs, arms stretched overhead, she chastised herself with a hasty lecture.

Don’t think of him as the enemy now. You’re supposed to be Sybilia. If he discovers that you are not, he will cut your throat and hers too and there will be no reprieve for your brother Raedwulf.


Forgive me father.

The one above, as well as the one buried below.

His shoulders wedged her thighs apart and that long, serpentine tongue swept from ass to mound. Another low sound of appreciation told Deorwynn he liked the taste of her. And the curling of her feet on his shoulders would tell that she liked the feel of him.

She made no more effort to close her legs, but arched her back, gripping the fur beneath her, biting her lip. She felt the hot, wet snake slithering upward again, wriggling against her labia, sliding inside her.  There it flicked and fluttered like the wings of a hummingbird and she writhed, hips circling, lifting off the bed as the pleasing sensation stole through her maiden’s body and readied her valley for plowing. She had not expected the Norman swine to take so much time over her deflowering; to care whether she was prepared.

While the length of his tongue tasted her intimately, his large hands reached up, over her stomach, feeling for her breasts. He pushed the edge of the veil aside impatiently and grabbed the swelling mounds, squeezing them in his great claws, while he drank her nectar, questing deeply with his determined tongue. In shamefully little time, she came to a shaking climax, squeezing her quivering sheath around that delightful tormentor, her thighs trembling. She heard and felt his groans vibrate inside her sex and knew he was excited, pleased.

Breathless and sopping wet, she was ready now, her pussy well prepared to yield its virgin treasure.


* * * * 

He didn’t know how or why, but he knew the two women had swapped places. What trick was this? If they wanted games, he’d give them games.

After leaving the wedding feast, he’d spent an hour searching the castle for this woman, his need for her having grown to intolerable heights. Throughout the evening’s entertainment he’d been unable to watch anything or anyone but her; then she’d disappeared from his view, about the same time his bride left to ready herself for his bed. He’d turned the castle upside down looking for Deorwynn, planning to have her first tonight.

Now he found her—in the last place he’d expected—already in his bed, in his bride’s place, and wearing a veil. As if that would fool him. She had no idea what she’d got herself into, trying to make a fool of Guy Devaux.

This naughty little kitten, who led him on a chase all over his fortress, would get more than she bargained for.



Other Books in The Conquerors Series:

The Ever Knight

 The Virgin Proxy

 The Craftsman

The Good Sinner's Naughty Nun

The Wagered Wench

The Barbarian


Product Reviews

Score: 4 out of 5 (based on 7 ratings)
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The Romance Studio
Written by undefined on 2nd Dec 2012

When the nuns told Deorwynn of Wexford the last of her father was dead, they also informed her that she would remain at the convent as a nun. Unable to accept that fate, she accepted the offer of the odious Sybilia Senclere. Sybilia's family had chosen a husband for her, the Bear of Brittany, Guy Devaux, a man known for his violent temper. Sybilia admitted that she was no longer a virgin and feared her husband's wrath. If Deorwynn would agree to her virgin proxy on her wedding night, Sybilia would get her new husband to ask the king to release Deorwynn's last family, her brother, Raedwulf. What Deorwynn hadn't counted on was falling in love with her proxy husband. "The Virgin Proxy" is book two in The Conquerors series. Like Jisella in book one, Deorwynn is one of the marriageable nobleman's daughters secreted away in convents before the Normans conquered the Saxons. These repressed virgins show they may be the conquerors instead of the conquered when they meet their future mates. This series of short novellas has been very interesting, both in the historical perspective as well and highly charged, open view of sex of the period. I can highly recommend the whole series.

Fallen Angel Reviews
Written by undefined on 1st Nov 2012

Deorwynn was brought to the convent by her father when she was just six years old. Now at twenty-one, she has accepted her fate of possibly never leaving. Over the years, she has learned to survive the nuns and even managed to have a little fun. When she is given an opportunity to escape the orphanage, she takes it. In exchange for her virginity and freeing her only living family, a brother imprisoned, she agrees to help in a deceiving and possibly deadly ruse. When Guy realizes that his betrothed has sent her handmaiden to his bed on their wedding night, he goes along with the trickery. After bedding the virgin maiden, Guy is determined to keep her there. Deorwynn is just as determined to fight her attraction for the Norman warrior, blaming his kind for her family's destruction. When the truth of their deception is revealed, can Guy fulfill a bargain promised and keep his "kitten" for himself. The Virgin Proxy showed the self-determination of a young lady to survive her fate at all cost. The heroine's feisty attitude and loyalty to her heritage throughout the story is honorable. This story demonstrated that love has no boundaries and sometimes those we claim to hate the most are the dearest to our heart. Although this is a medieval tale, the hero was definitely a modern day Alpha male. With his barbaric need for control, mouth-watering physic and sexual prowess, Guy is definitely a woman's best dream.

Guilty Indulgence Reviews
Written by undefined on 21st Oct 2012

The Virgin Proxy was an enjoyable historical romance. Light and funny more often than not, the story read fast. The banter between Guy and Deorwynn was fun and my head spun keeping track of the lies woven by each of them. It was a light take on an unlikely pairing with clues along the way that actually made these two make much more sense as a couple by the end. Readers will watch the lies they tell and the games they play slowly turn into love. And the sexual tension simmers, making readers wonder when the couple will move to the next step. The romance was both sweet and hot.

After reading the first...had to get the second!
Written by Amazonaholic on 2nd Feb 2012

I loving reading and could not resist buying the second story in this series after I read the first. Okay, if I liked story 1... than I loved two. It was a lot longer than the first story and made you cheer and champion for the H/H to be together. Can I say it was Hot, Hot, Hot... it was. So, if you are looking for a hot erotic historical romance, with some menage action, than this story is for you. I would have liked to see the "official wedding night" of the H/H, but still enjoyed the story fully. I could not find any other books by this author, but this one and the first (Ever Knight), however, being a new author she knows her stuff. I can't wait to see more from Ms. Fox. Can't wait for story three as well, because at the end you get a glimpse of the heroine's brother and that there might be a story for him coming....soon I hope.

You Gotta Read Reviews
Written by Donna on 7th Dec 2011

The second book in the Conquerors series, The Virgin Proxy, was even better than the first book. Set in the wake of the Duke of Normandy taking over the Saxon kingdom, Deorwynn finds herself drawn to her enemy. She has agreed to sacrifice her virginity so that her brother can be freed from the new King's dungeon, but what she finds in her enemy's bed is much, much more than she bargained for. Ms. Fox has expanded on The Ever Knight story with strong characters who are tenacious and bold. The sex is steamy, the hero is a boy in a man's body, and the heroine is just feisty enough to tame him and help him become a better man. A very enjoyable read.

Whipped Cream Reviews
Written by Bittersweet on 23rd Nov 2011

When the Normans conquered England, Deorwynn lost almost everything, including her family. Only one beloved brother survives. To rescue him, she must sacrifice her virginity in the enemy’s bed. She should be well prepared. After spending fifteen years in a grim convent, punished for every sinful thought, Deorwynn can withstand any torment at the hands of a merciless, Norman warrior. But nothing, she soon learns, could prepare her for falling in love. Guy Devaux is delighted with the amorous virgin waiting for him on his wedding night. There’s only one problem. The saucy-mouthed wench is not his bride. Oh yes, he knows the veiled woman in his bed is an imposter, but he’ll go along with the game. For now. The punishment for her deception will come later. Just as soon as he conquers this foolish desire, this yearning to hear her say she loves him. What a refreshing story! Deorwynn, the main character, is nothing like any other female heroine. She’s naughty, feisty, saucy, with a great sense of curiosity and daring. She’s not weak though she has a tender side that she tries to hide at all costs, mainly from the male protagonist, Guy Devaux. Guy is a boy, turning into a man. He’s in his twenties and life for him is all about fun and taking as many women he can, until he meets Deorwynn in one of the most exciting scenes I have ever read. Guy falls head over heels for her but he resists his own feelings because he fears becoming an old respectable man, according to him “the hardest mission he’d ever undertaken”. Ms. Fox has an incredible way with descriptions, making each sex scene unique and varied. The story has a quick pacing due to the clear attraction of the characters. I couldn’t stop reading, eager to know what Deorwynn would do to displease and arouse Guy. The secondary characters, Thierry and Sybilia, are also worth mentioning. They're well drawn, complete and three dimensional and add meat to the plot. The Virgin Proxy was a story that kept me hooked from beginning to end. I will definitely be looking for this author’s next work which happens to be all about Deorwynn’s innocent older brother, Wulf.

Naughty Editions
Written by Rayna on 1st Sep 2011

OMG!!!! & MUST READ I found this to be a fun, hot and quirky read. The hero is an ass, the heroine is smart and sexy as hell. Add it all together with a hot best friend and you got a winner in my book. I think I may have to start reading these erotic historical books more often.