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Genre: Alternative Romance (MM)

Heat Level: 3

Word Count: 23, 230

ISBN: 978-1-927368-54-1 

Editor: Karyn White

Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

Getting Back to Dawn by Penelope Rivers

Don and Colton have always been together, but that is about to change… When Colton goes on a one month trip, he is murdered when trying to save a woman from a mugger. Don is devastated. He can’t imagine his life without Colton in it. He is...
5 (1)
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Genre: Paranormal Romance

Heat Level: 3

Word Count: 61, 840

ISBN: 978-1-927368-52-7

Editor: Caitlin Ray

Cover Artist: LF Designs

Love Shadows by Lee Ann Sontheimer Murphy

Love Covenant, 4 Cara couldn’t be happier now that her sexy vampire husband Will Brennan located his long lost brother Seamus.  Her new found brother-in-law even has a theater where she can sing—until a vampire named Henri shows up in...
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Genre: Paranormal Menage Romance

Heat Level: 4

Word Count: 20, 340

ISBN: 978-1-927368-43-5

Editor: Dana Horbach

Cover Artist: Jinger Heaston

The Wolves of Argonne by Kastil Eavenshade

Naughty Fairy Tales Rosabel lives on the edge of the Argonne Forest, a place where werewolves rule and don’t care for humans meddling in their affairs. During the harvest festival, she catches the attention of the alpha, Ulric. Beneath the mask,...
4 (1)
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Genre: Erotic Fantasy Romance
Heat Level: 3
Word Count: 73, 600
ISBN: 978-1-927368-30-5
Editor: Dana Horbach
Cover Artist: LF Designs

Bride for the God-King by Adonis Devereux

The telepath Elemia has spent her whole life training for her chance to marry the god-king in his far-away capital, but then she meets Abbas—and everything comes apart as they fall for each other. As a half-breed, Abbas is barely tolerated by his...
5 (2)
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Genre: Erotic Paranormal Romance

Heat Level: 3

Word Count: 50, 600

ISBN: 978-1-927368-10-7

Editor: JC Chute

Cover Artist: LF Designs

Lure of the Blood by Doris O'Connor

Lure Series, 1 Marnie's decision to finance her law degree by pole dancing awakens her latent sexuality, and the mysterious stranger lurking in the shadows sends her libido into overdrive. Realizing her sexy lurker is a vampire is bad enough, but her...
4 (8)
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Genre: Paranormal Menage a Quatre

Heat Level: 4

Word Count: 27, 870

ISBN: 978-1-926950-86-0

Editor: Marie Buttineau

Cover Artist: LF Designs

The Last Princess by Stacey Espino

Pack Seduction, 3 Delia is the last princess.  Since her sisters have chosen mates, it's up to her to continue to wage war against the royal family. She recruits the help of Caleb, a fox shifter, to help find her way to the home she...
4 (5)
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Genre: Paranormal Romance

Heat Level: 3

Word Count: 50, 530

ISBN: 978-1-926950-69-3

Editor: Caitlin Ray

Cover Artist: LF Designs

Love Knots by Lee Ann Sontheimer Murphy

Love Covenant Series, 3 After surviving the wrath of a wicked she-vampire bent on revenge, Will and Cara Brennan have a new task – finding Will’s brother that Sallie Hawkins made a vampire centuries ago.  Both bear the scars of their...
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Genre: Paranormal Menage a Quatre Romance (M/F/M/M)

Heat Level: 4

Word Count: 27, 350

ISBN: 978-1-926950-60-0

Editor: Marie Buttineau

Cover Artist: LF Designs

Freya's Mates by Stacey Espino

Pack Seduction, 2 Freya's on her own, lost in a new city.  Being of royal blood, every male shifter would kill to have her as a mate.  Staying in hiding is her number one priority. When hunger leads her to the rear of a night club in search of...
5 (4)
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Genre: Paranormal Romance

Heat Level: 3

Word Count: 45, 170

ISBN: 978-1-926950-58-7

Editor: Caitlin Ray

Cover Artist: LF Designs

Love Scars by Lee Ann Sontheimer Murphy

Love Covenant Series, 2 After marrying her sexy undead husband Will Brennan, Cara Riley Brennan thought her happy ending would last forever but she soon learned that the course of true love doesn’t ever run quite that smooth.  Just when she...
4 (2)
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Genre: Fantasy Romance

Heat Level: 4

Word Count: 52, 670

ISBN: 978-1-926950-52-5

Editor: Stephanie Taylor

Cover Artist: LF Designs

The Ravaged Fairy by Anna Keraleigh

A Fairy Novel, 2 What would happen to a fairy without wings? Thame is a warrior, a golden fairy who is loyal to the King and new Queen. They are on the verge of war with the Trolls. It’s an ongoing battle that he fought with success...until now...
5 (5)
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Genre: Alternative Paranormal Romance

Heat Level: 2

Word Count: 14, 680

ISBN: 978-1-926950-46-4

Editor: Kimberly Bowman

Cover Artist: Jinger Heaston

The Blood Between by Xondra Day

New to the big city, Kyle is having a hard time fitting in. He has a job, and a roof over his head, but something is missing. One night, after an experience he'd rather leave forgotten, he meets a mysterious man named Luca. Kyle doesn't know it, but...
4 (5)
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Genre: Paranormal Menage (MFMMMM) Romance

Heat Level: 4

Word Count: 23, 222

ISBN: 978-1-926950-42-6

Editor: Marie Buttineau

Cover Artist: LF Designs

Claiming Their Mate by Stacey Espino

Pack Seduction, 1 Carna and her sisters carry the last of the royal blood.  Every male shifter in the world craves to mate with one of the elusive princesses to secure their place in history.  Only royal blood will ensure the...
4 (10)
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Genre: Paranormal Romance

Heat Level: 2

Word Count: 38, 858

ISBN: 978-1-926950-36-5

Editor: Hannah Giersdorf

Cover Artist: LF Designs

Dark Passion Rising by Shannan Albright

Dark Breed Enforcers, 1 Tambra Ellis has just had her world turned upside down. Surviving a bite from a Lycan, attracted to one hot vampire and now she has to look forward to turning into something from some bad werewolf movie. Marcus Valerian has...
4 (6)
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Genre: Paranormal Romance

Heat Level: 3

Word Count: 38, 845

ISBN: 978-1-926950-34-1

Editor: Caitlin Ray

Cover Artist: LF Designs

Love Tattoo by Lee Ann Sontheimer Murphy

Love Covenant Series, 1 One unexpected late night encounter and one titillating kiss detours Cara Riley from reaching Nashville for her last shot at a singing career and lands her in Memphis. Dark, mysterious truck driver Will Brennan oozes sexuality...
4 (12)
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Genre: Fantasy Romance

Heat Level: 3

Word Count: 45, 210

ISBN: 978-1-926950-29-7

Editor: Stephanie Taylor

Cover Artist: LF Designs

Fairy Flavor by Anna Keraleigh

A Fairy Novel, 1 The fairies are going extinct. The trolls are trying to take the land for their own nefarious purposes and King Carrick, ruler of the fairy kingdom, has found a human mate. Now he just has to convince her to stay amidst the chaos.Brook...
4 (7)
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Genre: Paranormal Romance

Word Count: 57, 810

Heat Rating: 2

ISBN: 978-1-926950-28-0

Editor: Stephanie Taylor

Cover Artist: LF Designs

Timeless by Kelly Yeakle

Can true love last forever? Gabriela Swanson wanted one thing, to be a well known writer at Graven, the most prestigious Goth magazine in the country. When an inside source gives her the opportunity of a lifetime, she finds herself in a hostage...
5 (6)
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Genre: Paranormal Romance

Heat Level: 2

Word Count: 20, 395

ISBN: 978-1-926950-15-0

Editor: Caitlin Ray

Cover Artist: Dara England

Wolfe's Lady by Lee Ann Sontheimer Murphy

Stella Raines was looking for a change. She moved to the small town of Riverville to begin her first year of teaching history. She quickly learns that teaching in such a rural high school is no picnic, but the math teacher in the class down the hall...
5 (1)